[ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHTED / DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION]Well my name is Yolanda Kingdon [if you want to add my own personal site its www.myspace.com/teardrop_trouble]
I am 19 years old, i have always loved to dress my friends up on a girly afternoon and take pictures, so i decided to take it further and have a career in it [dressing clients up, taking photos and then sending them off to their address]I am always on the look out for locations so if you guys come across any just drop me a message.If you would like some photos done just contact me on [green_tears_fall
@hotmail.com]Thank you Yolanda Kingdon PhotographyMyspace Layout Stealer Pimp Myspace
My Interests
My photography & MakeupMy Camera:
My Blog
Want to book in for a Photoshoot?! Makeup & Hair included?!
WANT TO BOOK IN FOR PHOTOSHOOT?! CLICK HERE NOW!DATES I HAVE FREE IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED :23rd June' sat'2nd july 'mon'5th - 8th july 'thurs - sun'19th july 'thurs'30th - 31st july 'mon-tues'1st - 10... Posted by Yolanda Kingdon[Photographer & Makeup Artist] on Fri, 18 May 2007 08:11:00 PST