Photography (can't you tell from my artistic black and white picture?) Movies, TV, Books, origami. Hoo yeah non stop party at the Surridge household, I tell thee.
Bill Hicks, a man able to combine bile flecked, hate filled rants with unconditional love. That takes talent.
Quite like Zutons, Magic Numbers. Old stuff, Stacks, motown, Elvis, you know proper music not like the stuff these kids listen to today!!
Of the far too many to fit in here: Grosse point Blanke, Goodfellas, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, When Harry Met Sally, Shaun of The Dead, The Searchers, The Good the bad and the ugly, Serenity and so on and so forth
Bit of a Whedon head, so Firefly, Angel. American crime shows. All CSI's, NCIS, NYPD Blue, in fact if its set in America and is an acronym entitled police procedural of some kind I'll pull up a chair. Excepet C.H.I.Ps I'm not that old!
Authors include: Steve Aylett, China Mieville, Hunter S Thompson, Warren Ellis, Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami. Books: The Princess bride, Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Can't think of any real life examples. many pop culture heroes, Dr Raoul Duke, Jimmy Stewart.