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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Education is what remains after you've forgotten everything you learned in school."

-- Albert Einstein
After graduating from college in 1990, I went to live in Japan for two years, teaching English and learning about my heritage (I am half Norwegian and half Japanese). After returning home to Seattle, I completed my MBA at the University of Washington in 1994. Following a three year stint as a stockbroker, I retired from the securities industry to travel the world from 1998 - 2000. Realizing that I didn't have enough money for a permanent retirement, I went back to the local community college to learn web design and development skills, and managed to get myself the last good job in the web industry in Seattle, 2001. As a hobby, I started a financial website that ultimately became Bullnotbull.com . (Bullish on the bear market!) Laid off from my web job in 2003, I went back to Asia for another stint at teaching English - this time in Taiwan. Taiwan is where I found my wife -- the love of my life -- and we returned to Boston, USA in 2005, so my wife could complete her PhD studies in behavioral neuroscience.
I learned about Ron Paul in 2002, when I saw him on CNBC one morning, giving Sir Alan Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve, an education in monetary policy. I have been a fan of Dr. Paul's ever since. When I heard that he was running for president in early 2007, I immediately set up a website to help spread the word: DailyPaul.com . Ron Paul is this country's last, best hope to return to its founding principles, and I am proud to

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Dr. Ron Paul. Oh - wait a minute - I did meet him! I met him in Manchester, New Hampshire, at the third GOP debate.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of anyone else I'd like to meet. Except maybe, ... YOU!

My Blog

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