Corey profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I love to act crazy and will do just about anything to make someone laugh. I speak my mind more than is probably healthy sometimes, but I think I'm pretty easy to get along with. I don't believe that you can judge a person until you've walked a mile in their shoes, and I expect the same from others. I can have fun doing just about anything as long as I am in good company... I'm an open book, so anything else you might like to know, just ask!

My Interests

I'm a volunteer medic in Calvert County... that pretty much takes up most of the time I don't spend at work.

I'd like to meet:

I'm always open to meeting new friends and always open to new possibilities. As far as dating goes, I'm looking for someone whom I can really connect with that is truly spectacular in their own way, but not self-involved enough to realize it.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


I can listen to just about anything. I love anything with a beat that I can dance to. I'm ridiculously in love with Cher, and I also hold a very special place in my heart for Kelly Clarkson, Reba McEntire, and Janet Jackson.


Wizard of Oz has been my favorite movie since I was old enough to steal my mom's red high heels to pretend I was Dorothy. Even though it isn't technically a movie, I am also slightly obsessed with the Broadway production of Wicked... which might have something to do with my childhood love of Wizard of Oz. I also really like Dirty Dancing, Big, Gattaca, Harry and the Hendersons, To Wong Foo, Ghost, and Stand by Me... among others I can't remember.


Desperate Housewives, Samantha Who?, Pushing Daisies, America's Next Top Model, South Park...


Harry Potter!!! All of them... a hundred times! Wicked, and a variety of other things. I haven't done much reading lately, but I'm trying to get back into it.


Anyone who knows me and still loves me.