About Me
Fake-Real Magazine is an exclusive edition dedicated to the musical realm of one artist / or one band.
It wants to distribute and promote their musical environment.
Each Fake-Real issue will treat about one unique artist / band, investing his realm, environment, his musical scene, to give a way of life and a targeted culture.
Fake-Real is a whole promotional object.
It's also a complete communication support for the band, labels, but also for the brands associated to a musical scene.
Therefore Fake-Real is interested in diffusing an identity about a specific music, centering on the current tendencies.
Fake-Real is a real magazine, with an innovative editorial content and a sophisticated art direction.
Fake-Real is a free magazine.
ISSUE #1 : dDAMAGE (out in November 2006) electro hip-hop issue.
including: MF Doom, Bigg Jus, Mike Ladd, Existereo, Sin, Tes ...
ISSUE #2 : STUCK IN THE SOUND (out in April 2007) indie rock issue.
including : Neïmo, Hushpuppies, Nelson, Hey Hey My My, Syd Matters, Hopper, Rodeo Massacre, You !, eLdIA ...
ISSUE #3 : COCOROSIE (out end of September 2007), including: Voodoo-EROS, Quinn Walker, Bunny Rabbit, Tez, Rio en Medio, Priestbird...
ISSUE #4 : HOLY SHIT (December 2008), including: Matt Fishbeck, Ariel Pink, John Maus, Tiny Creatures, Cobain in a Coma, Harry Merry, Momus ...