I am a down to earth enthusiastic individual with a high and friendly persona. I love being with friends and socialising all the time. I tend to say and do what I want and then think of the consequences afterwards lol which has always gotten me into trouble (oh well sh*t happens.
I live for the moment as you never know if your going to be around to see tomorrow so thats my moto!!
From my profile u can see I LOVE my Slow Jamz,friends call me (Queen Slow Jam) as I do love the Lovey Dovey tunez as well as Inspirational Gospel music,this may explain why Im a deep thinking at times and give good advice to friends (just not take my own advice lol) erm maybe not! aswell as my Bashment and Funky House of course, I do like pop and hip hop just not the deep ones lol lol that go on and on.I love hitting the clubs more than usual and hanging with the girls when Im not working. I'd love to be a pundit in music or have a session on radio for just slow jams lol or something like that lol ha ha! For now I am happy and content with what I have and will continue making friends with evryone across the world as I am a nice person with a good heart who enjoys meeting a variety of people,hence my name Heart of Gold lol lolLife is short,
Break the rules,
Forgive quickly,
Kiss slowly,
Love truly,
Laugh uncontrollably,
And never regret anything that made you smile
Coz at some point it was what you wanted!!.. type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="355" width="425" data="http://www.youtube.com/v/A34HwsETY8I&rel=1">
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pink stripe'sz w/ nice contact box - Image Hosting
ARIES - The AggressiveOutgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous. Not one to mess with. Funny. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world and you should count yourself lucky to have a partner who's an Aries.
MySpace Graphics & MySpace Codes
M oral
A rtistic
R omantic
I maginative
A mbitious
Analyze your own name!