Doc Balser and me produce music since the early nineties, some
experimental and Wave and "Electronic Body Music" i think thats what it was callled at that time...since 1992 also in direction techno.
I´ve also listened to trance since the early nineties
but i had the feeling that there is something missing,
to get the whole energy out of it.
It tickled a little bit at the borders
of trance.
At first my first real goa-trance tape with
one side "Hallucinogen Twisted" and other side "2nd Spirit Zone Sampler", which we heard on a 1 week
stag night in Croatia/Istria, all day and night long, except we were
in a club or sleeping. :-)
Then a few weeks later came my first Goa Party in a forest near Schliersee
.. it was a wonderful party.
A little bit wet at night so everbody had muddy shoes but the next
day there was only sun and a wonderful view
to the Schliersee from 1000meters above.
The first Album CD came out 2000 Called "Vol.1" on Velvet Inc..
We released some tracks on Trance-Compilations like Goahead, Planet
Goa, Chakra can see some of the covers underneath
2nd Album "Antagonistic Pathways" released in 06/2002 on Novatekk.
In the meantime we focussed on our other project Aerolink with which brought out a CD in 2005
Since 2000 we played on many parties all over the world.
There will probably a new album-CD released in 2008, working title
"Free Ride".
Beeinflusst durch psychedelische Treffen und Erfahrungen wurde das Psytrance-Projekt Psychonaut ins Leben gerufen. Doc Balser und Lothar Herrmann begannen schon Anfang der 90er zusammen musikalisch in Richtung Wave/Electronic Body Music/Techno zu experimentieren. Aber für beide war klar als sie das erste Mal auf einem Goa-Openair waren "jetzt sind wir angekommen". Die erste CD "Vol.1" kam 2000 bei Novatekk raus, gefolgt 2002 von "Antagonistic Pathways". Danach widmeten sich beide ihrem Seitenprojekt "Aerolink" wo auch Anfang 2005 das Album "Skypilot" erschien. Ein neues Album wird nun voraussichtlich 2008 erscheinen, Arbeitstitel "Free Ride".