Minstrel Spirit: World/New age/ medieval, celtic, classical, pop, folk inspired music
Photos contains Minstrel Spirit and friends
New production titled "HIGHER HOPES WILL TOUCH THE EARTH AND SKY" is on its way. CO-producer Per Klintberg has done a great job on the production side and he is currently working on the final touches of the album. The album contains strong and well crafted songs blending everything from Spanish flamenco, celtic, oriental, medieval, folk as well as classical music...
a real blend of world music one can say.....in a Minstrel Spirit way....
Soon a clip of the highlight song titled "Into the light " will be featured on this site.... Its a very strong song in terms of music, lyrics as well as production so stay tuned and check in soon again.....
It will be possible to download the complete album, and the album (CD) with complete artwork can also be ordered directly from Minstrel Spirits website as well....
Minstrel Spirit consist of two front persons: David Braic (guitar, vocals) and Carolina Lindwall ( vocals). Depending on occasion more musicians are added when performing live.
The latest project “Enter the woods†gives an insight of what Minstrel Spirit is about…..
Different music styles blending medieval, celtic, classical, pop, folk, spanish, arabic and renaissance inspired music. Exotic melodies with haunting vocals giving the listener
peace of heart and mind……. its possible to purchase th album "ENTER THE WOODS" as download through Magnatune on : http://magnatune.com/artists/albums/spirit-woods/More information can be found on Minstrel Spirit’s official website: www.mondocruiser.net/minstrelspiritMinstrel Spirit was support act to BLACKMORE'S NIGHT in Stockholm 2004David BraicBegan involvement in music at the age of six by learning to play accordion.
In this early stage folk music roots were planted. At the age of twelve acoustic guitar
became the main instrument involving some classical training. Soon rockmusic would be the main topic. So the electrical guitar entered and David’s musical journey resulted in many
various rockbands. David would always be the driving force behind every band he started.
He has also written most of the musical material as well as some lyrics during the years.
Most popular group was called Mandrake Root, the band released CD:s in Japan as well as in Europe and was also supporting act to Yngwie Malmsteen and Glenn Hughes to mention a few. However David now feels that Minstrel Spirit gives him a natural step to continue the musical journey. It is more demanding to play the acoustic guitar and its more challenging. The music gives me inspiration from different roots of music which also involves history and culture which in itself gives a magical dimension to the concept.A more complete bio on David can be found on : http://www.mondocruiser.net/minstrelspirit/theband/david/DB_
biography.htmCarolina LindwallCarolina has a natural singing talent and has always been involved in different musical projects. Carolina has also a theatrical side to her which has resulted in acting performances during the years. She also writes music and lyrics. Carolinas voice is beautiful and haunting which blends perfect into Minstrel Spirits music.
My Interests
Member Since: 22/02/2007
Band Website: http://www.mondocruiser.net
Band Members: David Braic: guitars, accordion, vocals
Carolina Lindwall: vocals
Record Label: Mandrake Root Productions
Type of Label: Indie
My Blog
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Interview by Ole Svela Posted by on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 07:14:00 GMT
New Minstrel Spirit album on its way
The new Minstrel Spirit album titled "Higher hopes will touch the earth and sky" will soon be ready. A limited edition CD will be available for purchase.The album will also be available as a down... Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:58:00 GMT