I'd like to meet me in 20 years. I've been celebrating my life by surrounding myself with cool people, with good vibes. If you have good vibes, hit me up. If you don't have good vibes, say a prayer, and it will come to you if you want it.
The Universe:Do some small thing each day to begin living the new reality you want to have....but move towards what you want...then you'll have what you want....instead of moving away from what you don't want. That will just keep you avoiding what you don't want. The universe will support you either way....it's neutral...If you move toward what you want you'll have what you want and need.....if your commited to avoiding what you don 't want the universe will give you what you don't want so you can maintain your commitment to avoid it...The universe is totally neutral...it just says yes to whatever we commit to. Most people have in life what they don't want....because they think they have to get rid of what they don't want before they can have what they want...if you try to get rid of neg feelings by supressing them..you attract the circumstances that bring them up everywhere...so you can continue to try to get rid of them...rather then accept them...let them be experienced and change to another feeling. Feelings are the neg charge of the law of attraction...the feminine receiving side..that draws the manifestation of a reality to us. Thoughts are the positive charge that send it out into the unknown void (womb) of creation where all is made manifest. Reality is created in the invisible...made manifest in the visible...thoughts and feelings are invisible. Send me healing energy.