About Me
WARNING: May cause lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and complicate pregnancy.
I'll make words extra big so that:
1. It'll be easier for you to read.
2. It'll look like I wrote more.
*I'm Amanda.
*I'm naked.
*I'm untouchable.
*I love my brother...I mean really love him.
my brother:
*I like making funny faces at myself in the mirror .
*I enjoy little boys...I mean really enjoy them.
*I'm random.
*I find myself way too adorable, but I have the sneaking suspicion
that, in truth, I'm a pain in the ass.
*I'll probably like you, if you like me.
*If you don't like me...you won't.
My body thrives off of three things:
*This here Triforce
*And sunlight (I don't need food because
I taught my body how to produce Chlorophyll)
Four things:
ATTENTION, I need lots of attention.
over and out