I’m up for meeting just about anyone, however there ARE a few profiles I could totally do without:-If you're that drunk person (there's one in every bar) slurring on and on about the meaning of life- please bother someone else.-If you're an over-read academic elitist, or self-appointed infallible authority on nearly every topic in the known universe- please take your bloated ego elsewhere.-If you believe that any one race, religion, country, or person is responsible for all of the world's problems (or maybe just all of yours), please help yourself to a cyanide capsule.ON THE OTHER HAND- If you’re a reasonable person (whether we agree or not) with a bit of wit, or wisdom to share- pick a topic and chat me up. If you knew me when, and want to catch up- let's do it! (unless of course you now fit the drunk, elitist, hate- filled ignoramus profile).