About Me
Statement of Intention: "We are the White Buffalo Tribe. We are a group of friends of diverse walks of life who honor God, all people, Mother Earth, all religions,(ie; all paths of Light and Love.) We build off of what Speaking Wind and other holy teachers have shared with us. We create forums, retreats and gatherings (with or not with, The Natural Leadership Way Centre) to commune with God, nature, each other. We offer blessings and explore/dialog on all things sacred in leadership and in life, affirming the leader is 'we'. We learn from all. We each have our own religious, spiritual beliefs, so 'as a group' we do not following a particular line of Religious or native American teaching, yet respect all. We are inclusive and seek for what is good and true in all paths. We learn from each other. All paths of Light and Love are welcome here. We follow the red, yellow, black and white path; Native, Judeo-Christian, Buddhist-Hindu, Islamic, African. and share a philosophy that is heart centered and nurturing, ancient and modern. Together we seek to share Truth, Light and Love; a path to deeper service to God, each other and all creation.... We are all one in the circle of life. Aho!"
We call ourselves the 'White Buffalo Tribe' as the true white buffalo (is not albino) but one that changes colors...It is a sign of our diverity but oneness. We share a common love of God, the Earth, our fellow human beings. The White Buffalo was a call to prayer and honoring the Great Spirit and mother earth...thus, in our union of heart and prayer, we seek to grow together in our ideals for a better world and the healing of all and bring this to our Businesses, Families and Communities. Our Leader, Guide and Founder is Bill Jason O'Mara,'LION HAWK.' He is part native American himself and trained under a holy teacher and guide of the Poeblo Tribe, named Speaking Wind.
We have Retreats 3-4 times a year, weekly conference calls and monthy newsletters......and FUN! If you feel and interest or call to know more about us and would like to join.... Send an email to: our myspace inbox!
Also visit us at corporateshamanway.com! Aho, Mitakuye Oyasin!
The Legend of the White Buffalo:One summer a long time ago, the seven sacred council fires of the Lakota Sioux came together and camped. The sun was strong and the people were starving for there was no game. Two young men went out to hunt. Along the way, the two men met a beautiful young woman dressed in white who floated as she walked. One man had bad desires for the woman and tried to touch her, but was consumed by a cloud and turned into a pile of bones. The woman spoke to the second young man and said, "Return to your people and tell them I am coming." This holy woman brought a wrapped bundle to the people. She unwrapped the bundle giving to the people a sacred pipe and teaching them how to use it to pray. "With this holy pipe, you will walk like a living prayer," she said. The holy woman told the Sioux about the value of the buffalo, the women and the children. "You are from Mother Earth," she told the women, "What you are doing is as great as the warriors do." Before she left, she told the people she would return. As she walked away, she rolled over four times, turning into a white female buffalo calf. It is said after that day the Lakota honored their pipe, and buffalo were plentiful. (from John Lame Deers telling in 1967). Many believe that the buffalo calf, Miracle, born August 20, 1994 symbolizes the coming together of humanity into a oneness of heart, mind, and spirit.
"Many believe that the WHITE BUFFALO CALF,~~ 'MIRACLE'~~, born August 20, 1994 symbolized the coming together of humanity into a oneness of heart, mind, and spirit."For those who are interested to learn more we have included a couple of links about 'Miracle' and one about other White Buffalos now living in Arizona...http://www.homestead.com/WhiteBuffaloMiracle/Mirac
ecy.htmlWe as a Tribe, strive to emulate the symbolism of "the coming together of humanity into a oneness of heart, mind, and spirit." ...represented by the White Buffalo. AHO!!!Myspace Backgrounds