At the beginning, in the year 2000, we had different influences and favourites, but the same goal: making good music with rocking and emotional parts between structure and chance. Nowadays every member still has its own favourite bands, but we share: we take the best elements of straight-forward bands like Foo Fighters or early Get up kids and combine it with everything that crosses our heads.
In fall 2001 we went out for our first tour with our close friends Own: a exhausting time full of rockn roll action and tons of fun. Because the stage is a place, we never want to miss: our concerts are always full of tension and a whole set of catchy melodies. We wrote new songs and banned them on vinyl in summer 2002, as we went to the studio again to record 4 songs for a split 12" with Flying Windmill, which was released on a tour around Europe in spring 2003.
Our last output was a contribution for the A Tribute to Dischord Records Sampler where we did a cover of the song Little Sparkeè from Q and not U!
So far we played with such great bands as The Robocop Kraus, Sometree and Slowride (USA, Deep Elm Records).
Now we are currently working on new songs for our first full-length, which will hopefully released somewhere this year.
Phonetics - Goodbye Columbus (live)
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