Ey up well its that ex-long haired hippy you may remember as "foggy" ahh that name is long gone now thank god! Yes I'm still around, still have rock n roll in my soul, still have a birthmark like a streak of shite on my leg, but no I don't have that thin, badly maintained long hair anymore. Perhaps if I'd kept up with the old VO5 hot oils....Anyway I live near Wetherby now, I am a "Technical Analyst" in Leeds. I am married to Samantha with 2 kids Dylan (5) and Bethany (2).I still have the old black guitar etc and when the mood takes me I can still bash out the old metal greats, though nowadays I prefer the likes of Gnarls Barclay, Radiohead, Jeff Buckley and many, many more. I still listen to Black Sabbath so not totally wimped out.I have a secret metal band, Bleeding Stump, they have a website, I shall not reveal its dark secrets here suffice to say it is too heavy and dark for the likes of you. Keep an eye on here though and I may publish one of my satanic opera death epics....
Well I doubt anyone will ever visit this site but if you did, not much here eh? I'm too busy damn you!!! I'll try to put something interesting on here one day...