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thE riDe is FinAllY oVr. . I aM fOrgIviNg & noT foRegEttIng

wHeRe to StArT wHeRe tO sTarT . . i have been sick to my stomache for a week non end.  please oh please tell me i did not just step off your roller coaster.  you know i have thought about you lately.i...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Feb 2009 21:18:00 GMT

HoW YoU dOoIn? =] 5 reasons SeX iS gOod FoR yOu

5 Reasons Why Sex is Good For You1.  It is a good workout. Sex burns about 150 calories every half an hour of it. It will lower your cholesterol and improve breathing circulation. 2. You won't ge...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 21:48:00 GMT

ThErE aRe a FeW dAyS. . WhEn I aM nOt AlL pEaCe aNd <3

. . .i want you to be dead to me. . . It's funny how things work out. . . just when you think things are steady. . . something cracks beneath you. . . and everything you thought was solid. . .wasn't....
Posted by on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 20:57:00 GMT

lYInG bItCh

. . .your decieving. . .. I think it’s funny because you want to think you are not the type of girl to break my heart. . .but you’ll run all up and down it like it’s the fu...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 20:56:00 GMT

MuTuAl. . .sElF cEnTeReD. . yEs. . .MuTuAl?

I want to spill for a moment. . .a peaceful moment where I can go on. . . and you can't say a thing. . .some place where I can share my thoughts and my feelings. . . and it's just out there floating a...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 23:14:00 GMT

I aM tHe PrInCeSs I WaNt mY wAy

I am a PrinCess damn it TrEat Me sO. I am at a breaking point and I just don't care. . .I want it my way and no other way.  I want to kick scream Laugh Love. . on my terms not yours. . . I hate y...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 22:08:00 GMT

My OnLy <3

Okay okay,  I was in a lot of pain.  Yes, I hid it well.  What else was I to do?  But I learned a lot. . .  I am doing what makes me happy.  Because right now I am so hap...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 17:44:00 GMT

I am CoNtEnT. . .no TuRnInG bAcK

Okay okay. . .here I go AgAiN. . .I see the solution. . .it still hurts. . .but I got this.  It's one of those things that yes. . .I regret. . .I had a vague image of the outcome. . .I did it any...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 18:33:00 GMT

whos got my red slippers. . .I wanna go home damn it.

MaN. . .What day am I on?  It feels like an eternity. .. in slow motion.  AnD I still can't get over this over whelming rollercoaster of emotions.  It's crazy.  I'm not sure if lov...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 23:23:00 GMT

. . . FaLlInG. . .

I am sorry. . .and this hurts so bad. I know I am fucked up. . .I know I don't think about what I do. . .or how I do it . . . or who I do it to. . .or even what the outcome is. . . I don't know until ...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 11:38:00 GMT