faisa profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

well what can i say about me...hmmm...i'm a petite gurl or in other word short...hehehe...around 4' 9". i love shopping especially when i have my shopping buddy wif me. i love pizzas..actually addicted to it.love socializing and organizing functions...dunno how elso 2 describe myself anymore...to be cont....ermmmmm....today dgn rasminya aku dh mengurangkan statistic jobless graduate degree holder!!! ye ye....but 'inconveniently' i hav to work work work for 3 short months!!! i'm now a research officer at pusat pelantar penyelidikan, usm.doin some sort of learning + experience hunting before continuin' my study.duhh then i'm goin to be student again...n still waiting for official date from NIPN to be at UCSF...so rite this minute i'm clueless, blurless n have lots of free time....in term of doin useful things aka shopping la hahaha..i hope after jan next yr i can do research cum study + work with NIPN in collaboration with UCSF.quite boring stuff huh....well life must go on....4 more yrs to endure student life but wat a wonderful life it is!!!

My Interests

reading n reading n reading (buying n collecting all da books abundantly! ) + a little bit of watching movies + shoes lover =strappy heels n 3 inch boots (my greatest weakness!!!)+ clothes + accessories + bags +shopping @ shopaholic aka shopping addict + decorating (my 2nd choice of job preference- interior decorator) + travelling (hope to be a world traveller before i'm 30 yrs hahaha) + having new friends+chocolate n cheese cakes yummy!!...bla bla bla

I'd like to meet:

anybody who like to get to know new people are welcome to be my friend...i'm not choosy....so hi from me!!!! wei...tak yah jual mahal2....aku ajak jd kawan jer...bkn nak ajk wat bende bukan2...aku nak jumpa sgt ngan old frens especially1) my best frens in matrix...ina aka ct nurhaliza jr (my best tutormate ever) n zaza (d best rommie in the whole world). 2) [email protected] my best shopping buddy!! 3) asmarian@sas buddies (lama x jumpa...rindu la!!).... 4) kengkawan masa kat asma rendah... 5) sek. ren. keb. tmn uda frens (walaupun aku kat situ staun je) 6) students of matriks kc(bahau, N.9) batch 2001/2002 especially bdk2 C5 7) n last but not least my coursemates@ frens@ buddies@ labmates yg kat 'u' + molecular genetic laboratory a.k.a lepak centre members + all d other biotech laboratories frens....mis u guys a lot especially our late nite chitchating at lab!!! 8) u know who u are (ur phone calls and advises make a world diff to me...thanx a lot 9) anybody around the globe...cos i like to travel and it's nice to have friends in many countries so dat u can crashing in their place instead of hotels....very economise way to go vacation rite??? hehehehe.


ermmmm...honesty....nottin gonna change my luv for u..can't take my eyes off you....(they long to be)close to you...kiss me...superwoman...even the nights are better ....i will alwez luv u....jazz + country love songs...light n easy nye....


pretty woman, french kiss,cassablanca,the parent trap,pirate of the carribean bla bla...byk la


er, charm, amazing race,bird of prey, the apprentice,the rebel millionaire,winter sonata,stairways to heaven,glass shoes,full house,love story in harvard,lovers in paris,stained glass,101st proposal,100th days with mr arrogant,windstruck.....byk lagi la...aku kan hantu tgk tv dr kechik2 lagi....


these are my greatest luv of all [confessions of a shopaholic, shopaholic ties d knot, shopaholic takes manhattan,shopaholic n sister, first date, first kiss, first dance, first love, whitney my love, kingdom of dream,until you, paradise,....all judith mcnaught +mills n boon+ jude deveraux+ amanda quick +julie garwood +iris johansen +penny jordan +sara craven + jane feather + sophie kinsella + karen kendall + anybody who write great romance novels P/S: it's not real but at least ur on the world of ur own!!!