I'd like to meet:
hi i'm kaytlyn.
life is complicated
but i'm dealing with it
i know who really matters in my life
i know what i want and what i need.
i love my boyfriend, joshua lipson.
i love my friends.
i'm a big procrastinator.
i'm pretty happy nowadays.
message - comment
joshua lipson
you mean everything and more to me, i don't even have the words to describe how much i love you. i'm definitely not perfect, but i feel closest to it when i'm with you. i know that what we have is forever, and you're honestly everything to me. i love you more than you could ever know. ♥ 04/04/09
my heart and soul:
erin martin, maegan delorme, alexis dennison, darlene deschamps, josh barcier, jessica martel ♥ music, singing, blackberry, family, harry potter and the half blood prince, twilight saga, sleeping, loving and being loved, mascara, teddy bears ♥