The Castle closed it's doors for the last time on the 28th February 2007.This site has been set up as a meeting place for all the people who frequented The Castle over the years. It really was a special place and in it's heyday one of the best pubs on the planet! And it was made special by the people who went there. The brewery never understood that however they tried to label The Castle or force their corporate brand on it, it was always "ours". Until "MrFUCKIN Q's" that is. That was the final nail from which a great boozer never quite recovered.The Castle was a place where life-long friends were made (and a few enemies). Where some of the best bands around played and which many regulars treated as a home from home where pretty much "anything went". There will be a lot of fond, funny memories out there.So lets here from you. Share your stories, post your pictures, tell your friends and perhaps we can continue the spirit of the place in hyperspace!Send any related pictures to
[email protected] and we will post them here. Does anyone have any video footage?Please please leave your comments and stories here and we will post them.body table td.text span.blacktext12 {display:block; font-size:1px; letter-spacing:-0.5pt; margin-top:-5px; font-weight:normal; width:435px; height:75px; background-image:URL