Lel profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey I'm Lelishia....people call me Lel 4 short! I'm shy at first....until...i start talking to people more and more..nd get 2 know them. I'm a bit random and a bit of a nutter...i've been told. I love music and watchin films...especially if its got Johnny Depp in them lol...jokin but i still think he's quite fit. I can be quite creative...some people say naughty sometimes...but nice!! lol I would just like 2 say that i love my girls at work...jade,lisa,Amy and Tara...love u all...we all have so much fun at work, so it makes it that little bit easier and a little bit more enjoyable than if u weren't there working wid me!!Apart from when jade get all bossy...its quite scary hehe lol And of course jade is my best friend and i love her 2 bits and its hard not 2 say Lisa as well coz i love her 2 and shes a great girl...i'm always here 4 all of ya!!!Last of all i would like 2 say that Amy is my random, fun chick who is fun 2 be with and always makes me smile...love u all!!!yaaaaa!!lol.All my random girlies!! hehe And I am missing a few people vary very much right now and which i could see them now :( i miss talking 2 them and having a great laugh with them....come back!!! :-)..
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Ultimate 'About Me'
by Sooz_123
1. What is Your Name? Lel
2. How old are you? 19
3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? www.myspace.com/Jojo4eva_RIPwillneva4getu
4. What is your height? around 5'5 i fink
5. Do you have any siblings? 1
6. What is your eye colour? Green
7. What is your hair colour? Blonde but dyed it brown
8. Do you wear glasses or contacts? yea glasses wen i need 2
9. Are you right handed or left handed? right
10. Do you have any piercings? yea..8
11. Do you smoke? nope
12. Do you swear? who doesn't??
13. Do you get along with your parents? yep
14. Your heritage ??
15. Your fears dying and spiders
16. Goal you would like to achieve this year get a job in the hospital and work my way up to be a neonatal nurse
17. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger i dn't go on anymore
18. Best Physical Feature eyes or smile i fink
19. Your bedtime weneva i'm tired
20. What time do you arise in the morning? weneva i want unless i have 2 get up early
21. First thoughts waking up? tea :)
22. Do you shower daily? nope but i wash everyday
This Or That?
23. Bright or dark room? bright
24. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
25. Dogs of cats? cats
26. Pepsi or Coke? coke
27. McDonalds or Burger King? neither
28. Ant or Dec? dec
29. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea? neither
30. Cappuccino or Coffee? neither
In the last month have you...
31. Drank alcohol? yep
32. Gone to a mall? southend shops yea
33. Eaten a box of Oreos? nope
34. Eaten sushi? nope
35. Been on stage? not recently but will be on saturday nite...dancing on the satge at seymores :P
36. Been dumped? nope not recently
37. Gone skinny dipping? nope
38. Stolen Anything? nope
Have you ever...
39. Laughed for no reason? yea
40. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? yep
41. Been in love? yep
42. Fired a gun? nope
43. Been drunk? yep
44. Been called a Tease? nope not recently
45. Been beaten up? nope
46. Shoplifted? nope
What was the last....
47. Furry thing you touched? my cat this morning
48. Thing you've said? yep ok then
49. Song you've listened to? P Diddy and Nicole Sherzinger-Come get me
50. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone? Tracey from work
51. Movie you watched? Juno
52. Thing you were doing before this? went to the shop
53. Time you cried? New year day in the early hours of the morning (very very drunk lol)
54. Song you've sang? Come get me
55. Time you looked at the clock? 9am this morning
56. Food and drink you've had? Porridge, tea and some cookies
57. Flavour of gum you've chewed? peppermint
58. Shoes you've worn? black pumps
59. Store you've been in? jus lil shop near mine
60. Planet? Venus lol
61. Age you've been so far? 18
62. Season? Summer
63. Number? 9
64. TV show? Eastenders??lol
65. Flower? anything bright and prettiful
66. How much cash do you have on you? nothing...get paid friday lol
67. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'? poor :) lol
68. What T-Shirt are you wearing? wearing a black and white top
69. What brand of shoes are you wearing? i'm not
70. What did your last text message say? thats for me to know
71. What were you doing at midnight last night? sleeping
72. What's your current desktop picture?
73. What's a word that you say a lot? shizzle...lol
74. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? Red
75. How is the weather right now? cold and starting to get dark
76. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their face lol...eyes, smile and how tall they are lol..but personality is the key!!
77. Are you too shy to ask someone out? yaaaa
78. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)? nope
79. Who would you like to see right now? my friends and brian :P lol
80. How many pillows do you sleep with? 2
81. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace? i have done but i already knew them lol
82. How do you want to die? in my sleep
83. What do you want to be when you grow up? neonatal nurse
84. What country would you most like to visit? Cyprus
85. How many CDs do you own? loads
86. How many things, in your past, do you regret? lots of things actually
87. Do you think you are attractive? not really but other ppl have told me i am
88. Do you believe in yourself? yea
89. Do you want to get married? someday
In a boy/girl...
90. Favourite eye colour? blue or brown
91. Favourite hair colour? dark
92. Short or long hair? short
93. Height? same as me or taller
94. Weight? average
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my soul mate....and anyone who is kind caring and likes 2 have fun...sum1 who doesn't just drop me and never have time 4 me as soon as sum1 else comes along...i h8 it wen ppl do that its happened 2 me a lot so i only av a few friends i can trust hehe.I'd also like 2 meet Johnny Depp :P coz he's a great actor and Channing Tatum coz he is fit!! lol
Top 3 On Your Top Friends

by Aznshorty
1. What is Your Name? Lel
2. How old are you? 19
3. What is the link to your website, blog, or myspace? www.myspace.com/Jojo4eva_RIPwillneva4getu
4. Who is your #1? Dal
5. Who is your #2? Brian
6. Who is your #3? Lisa
7. Do you like #2?? Yea :)
8. Have you ever did anything with #3? yaaa
9. If So, What? went clubbing lol
10. Have You Kissed Any Of Your Top 3? yep
11. Have You Dated Any Of Them? yea i fink lol
12. Is #3 Hot?? yea of course :P lol (friendly way lol)
13. Are You In Love With Any Of Them? maybe
14. Is #1 Related To You In Anyway? nope
15. Is #2 Related To You In Anyway? nope
16. Does #2 Know You Well? yea i fink he knows me as well as anyone can :P
17. Does Any Of Them Like You? ...wat way do u mean??dunno..hope so lol
18. How Well Do You Know #3? i fink i kno her quite well
19. Have you ever did anything with#1? yaaaaa
20. If So, What? cinema lol

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