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I am here for Friends

About Me

I found out why cats drink out of the toilet. My mother told me it's because the water is cold in there. And I'm like, how did my mother know that?l'm very complicated person,love everybody and also hate jokes,funny and smart people-or just smart people:)).Coffee and chocolate are my biggest fetishs,l just can't live whit out them...if u whant to make me happy,give me chocolate-OMG this is so lameee,but l don't care much about!!!!very good listener,full of irony and sarcastic,but u must love meee....
You Are Very Happy Being Single
You're not anti-relationship. You just don't need one to be content.
You find plenty of happiness from your life as it is.
And if you find someone you love, then that's just icing on an already decadent cake! Are You Happy Being Single?
You Are 70% Sexy
Your Sex Appeal Is: Extremely HighYou're very sexy. You just have that certain something that takes over a room. You know how to attract, entice, and keep whoever you want. You are truly appealing. How Much Sex Appeal Do You Have?

My Interests

Bilo je nekada puno interesa,ali je sve zamrlo,umrlo i iscezlo....isparilo samo praznina trenutno. Malo se josh interesujem za klavir,ali u nedostatku istoga brzo ce i to da ispari u magli secanja i ostace josh jedna praznina u mom zivotu.Zezancija yeah,l love jokes(especially Yo mama's jokes) and make lots of them,enjoying life must say is short! if you dont look around once in a while you might miss it.O cruell philosophy of life...

I'd like to meet:

Maksim Mrvica-piano player.... Whoopy Goldberg-greatest actros in worlddddd Vannesa Mae-so nice and wild(violinist) Jessica Kirson-crazy comedian,you must love her Wendy Liebman-also great comedianView Blog | View Pics | Add Comment


Well just gona sayyyyyy CLASSIC MUSIC-J.S.Bach, F.Chopen, T.Albinoni and many others- I can listen POP, Dance, R&B,oldies.......but please no no and just noooooo folkmusic....hateeeeee hateeeee that kind of music p.s. l'm not freak,but classic relax me,l can't work anything if ther is no classic...morning coffee whit Albinoni :)niceeeeee


Horrors, horrors and more of the really don't need to think when you looking this kind of movies,but l love them......particularly Grudge 1 i 2, Texas Chainsaw Massakre, Red rose, Halloween=all parts(Michael Myers so scary), Ring around Rose, the Omen(666 and little Damien so cute). but also l love old movies-the best movies ever are.....Piano The colour of purple Ghost 4 feathers


only for stupid people......and people without lifeeeSimpsons, South Park, E.R., Rosseane, ComicsUnleashed, Little Britan, Grey's Anathomy, Try calling, Will and Grey's.... ( and yes,l don't have life so thats the reason l'm looking Tv) :)))))


Zlocin i kazna-F.M.Dostojevski, Idiot-F.M.Dostojevski, Ime ruze-Umberto Eco, Jelena,zena koje nema- Ivo Andric, Znakovi pored puta-Ivo Andric, Notes From a Big Coutry-Bill Bryson, Swear on Lilly-Wendy Liebman Nestao zauvek, Samo jedna prilika-Harland Kobein Vreca kostiju-Stiven King Mracna kula(svi delovi)-Stiven King takodjer:))

My Blog

Love suckssssss!!!!!!!

I HATE LOVE........WHAT IS LOVE?............WHY SHE IS HAPPENING??TO HURT OR TO GIVE LIFE?????...........................L.....O.....V.....E..... ????THER IS NO ANSWER......
Posted by Vanja on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 10:24:00 PST