We're often asked where the name came from.
It was suggested by our bassman, Mr. Jay Kilbride, from the work of one of the groups' favourite comedians, the late great
Lord Buckley .
Check out 'The Hip Gan'.
( by Maestra ' June Love ' ) with providing chanteuse Jan Douglas with a backing group. We enjoyed each others musical company to the point where the logical next step seemed to be an independent unit, where we could explore the instrumental aspect of our collaboration more fully.Here are some live takes from a Ribadee Players recent performance...
Now that we've got used to Robert T. playing kbd and trumpet.
A transposing instrument and a concert key instrument simultaneously ?
We're still making value judgements.
Well you do, don't you ?
Thanks are due to to the Mojo Dojo for post production.
The Ribadee Players believe that
humour is of prime importance,
" one of the few things worth taking seriously. "
Could this be the lineage ?
Could this be the lineage ?
Lord Buckley
Could this be the lineage ?
Lord Buckley
Lenny Bruce
Could this be the lineage ?
Lord Buckley
Lenny Bruce
Bill Hicks
It's worth noting at this point. that W.C. Fields is the only
master juggler amongst the above cats.
( disclaimer; As far as we know )
The Ribadee Players also believe that music has a spiritual element.
Religion being a group activity, spirituality being an individual activity.
Musicians who are interested in improvisation eventually wonder where the ideas come from, the real-time process being far too fast for conscious thought .
The process seems to demand both being 'in the moment', and being ' ego -free'.
Not to mention the open-ness of spirit to listen to everyone else, whilst doing your thang.
And remembering to smile ...