What it is: A monthly mixtape exchange. Sign up by the thirteenth of every month. Exchanges are usually by mid-to-end-of-the-month. Also, there is usually a theme, which will be emailed to you, along with yr partner's address & format preference, once you sign up. It's pretty great!
How it works: You and another mixtapeclubmember will get an email with each other's addresses and format (cd/tape) preferences. You make a mix and send it to yr partner and yr partner sends one to you. You get and give a mix.
How you sign up: Email thismixtapeclub aaaaaaaaaat gmail dooooooooot com with the following info:1. yr name
2. yr address
3. yr format preference (cd or tape?)
Who the members are: Excellent and really great fans of trading music with strangers on a monthly basis.
How great it is to get a mix from a stranger in yr mailbox: Sooooooooooo great.
More on the blogspot: http://thismixtapeclub.blogspot.com/
Layout by CoolChaser Background from flickr user