UPDATE...Blue Collar Fighting Man was released on 3/31/2009 on the Voices of Born Again American (Digital) / Release No. CRE-31450-25 / Writers: C. Van Rys / K. Boland / C. Boland / Label: Concord Records
Production Team on "Blue Collar Fighting Man"
Artist - Chad Van Rys
Producer - Charlie Boland
Chad Van Rys
Charlie Boland
Kirk W. Boland
Two of the song's writers, Chad Van Rys, and Kirk Wesley Boland, met while in Ar Ramadi, Iraq in 2006.
The third writer, Charlie Boland, produced the song. Charlie is a music producer and pro drummer, performing for our troops at GITMO on July 4th, 2008.
------------------------------------------------TO THE FALLEN RECORDS, picked up the songs,
"And They All Came Home But Me(Once A Marine)",
and "The Veterans",and released them on their first Country CD(Vol. I),VISIT them at,
www.tothefallenrecords.comTo The Fallen Records is the only authorized location to purchase these songs.
__________________________________"And They All Came Home But Me(Once A Marine)"
performed by Chad Van Rys, was included in a tribute to our troops, during the opening show of the NBC Television Network's season premiere of Nashville Star, hosted by Billy Ray Cyrus, on June 9th, 2008._________________________________
VISIT Chad Van Rys at,
Charlie Boland finished another couple of great songs in Nashville, and will get them out shortly.
-------------------------------------------Charlie Boland produced the song
"Half Her Heart Is In Iraq(Amy's Smile)"
Kirk W. Boland, Charlie's brother wrote the song
Nashville based, Singer,Songwriter,Producer,and Music Business Consultant, Susan Marshall, gave of her time to
cut this song for our troops and their families.
Below is the authorized music video for the song,
produced by Robert DeLaRosa.
Kirk and Robert met while serving in Iraq.Thanks for your interest in our music,
Jennifer McKinster, Webmaster and Songwriter, Full Metal Jacket Music, ASCAP / Boland Music Group
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