Sooo....this is me! I'm about to be 26 and I can't believe that I'm 4 years away from 30!!!! ahh!!!!!! I am really hoping that the year 2010 gets better for me. Have had a few challenges, but as every day goes by...i believe that things will get better! My life is pretty boring at the moment, but that's ok. Guess I've turned into a home-body. Hey...the upside--I'm saving lots of money. I hope I can get a place of my own one of these days for me and my phoebe. She is my 8yr old fat a** cat and I love her more than anything!!!! Rigth now I have a boyfriend, Mr. Bryan Broussard (yeah people i know--AGAIN), and we have been dating for about 5 1/2-6 years. I'm actually not sure what the deal is with us half the time, but I do know that I love him. I know that eventually I want to have a great job, move outof PA, and start a family. In which order---I don't know, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see.