First thing you might notice is my smile! It is my absolute signature & nearly 100% of people I meet will comment on it. I smile a lot!! You'll Get Used To It! :-)
"Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing." --Mother Teresa
"Let us always meet each other with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love."--Mother Teresa
This year certainly seems to be a time of Significant and Life Altering Change! Early on (in January 2008) I deemed this year---my year of letting go! A year to embrace change no matter what it brings---and I grow more and more every day into that person who can celebrate the new while easily and joyfully letting go of the past.
I've opened my hand repeatedly to let go of people, places, old spaces, old behaviors and sometimes the many 'ingredients' that just don't belong in the pie of life I'm now creating!
The good news (see my open-hand priniciple blog), this willingness to let go, only creates the space and opportunity for the universe to bring me better ingredients, tastes, flavors and a pie even more to my liking. And I'm beyond happy about that!
My time off this past year or so has been rewarding, inspiring and peaceful. I've allowed myself a lot of time for learning, growth, healing and absolute euphoria (yeah, I experience that quite often these days!) I've traveled the world quite a bit (and plan to do more, don't worry about that) and I'm so pleased to announce that at looooong last the time is absolutely right and I've begun work (as if I hadn't been writing all along!) on creating my books and my new path in life. I've been brainstorming my business plan and how all the pieces will fit together... this is a FABULOUS moment of life for me!
LIFE truly is ALL about the Journey---there is no such thing as 'destination'!
The Law of Attraction has been nothing short of phenomenal to me! Every single day, I now experience synchronistic events both big and small and yes, they all serve me! I just never knew life could be this way and I'm experiencing gratitude, appreciation and absolute euphoria as a regular way of life.
Who knew???
I've begun speaking the very people I need into existence (even as I write this) to allow all my efforts to flow with the grace and ease I've become accustomed to with the Law of Attraction on my side! I can't wait to see just WHO shows up and WHAT they can do!!!! :-)
The BEST NEWS OF ALL is how my books, websites, etc. all center around helping YOU and others who are asking, learn all there is to know about creating the life of YOUR VERY dreams... to help you discover how to experience incredible inner joy while learning the art of 'living in the moment'
I will continue traveling and exploring the world as often as possible (maybe more this year too). When I'm in O-town, I spend most of my weekend nights dancing--even though I will now have to find a new space or a new band as my most favorite and beloved Soundtrax has disbanded at least for the short term. I have danced with them right at 4 years now and they are like family to me. I miss all of you already!!!
Again... I choose to embrace all change with a smile on my face and a song in my heart... and as YOU KNOW there is always a dance in my step!
I love to read enlightening books and learn about people, personal development, the Law of Attraction, and so much more!
My current profession is real estate investing (buying/selling and rental properties). I currently run REIA Groups that teach people 'how' to become savvy real estate investors.
I'm an author and writing articles and getting the books I'm working on published are a couple of my passions. And now it looks as if the pages of my books are turning right before my eyes! WOWEEEEEEEEEE! (Public speaking, book signings and the like are in the future for me too!)
"Welcome!" to my friends who already know me!
Future friends, you're welcome too!
Kelly's Memories