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www.LordsMessage.com - Testimonies that can save the world!

About Me

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My name is Heath. I run around reading profiles and if I feel I should I send you a friend request, I do :) I can't always keep up with who's accepting them so please leave me a comment so I know you've accepted and I can then thank you properly. I don't want to miss anyone. If I miss you, slap me haha ;)
Firstly I'd like to make a special mention to my amazing and beautiful girl Tiffany, who is without doubt, my better half! I feel so amazingly blessed to have met and fallen in love with her!"
Before I became a Christian I read a lot of motivational and self help books. Since I've discovered that everything I read about self help, happiness, motivation and success is all found in the Bible. I don't need to read it second hand anymore :)
I go to Hillsong Church in Sydney and love it!! The worshipping is just awesome, the sermons are inspiring and the fellowship is uplifting.
All we have is Faith, Hope and Love and the greatest of these is love. There is certainly more room for love in this world!!
www.LordsMessage.com -I guess it's time for an update on how LordsMessage.com is coming along.
Two years ago LordsMessage.com was a dream. A nameless dream.
Alex and Heath wanted to start a project that involved the community and gave back to the community. A purpose that was bigger than ourselves.
A single testimony got it all started. It was the inspiring story of a teenager who ramped himself up on drugs and alcohol to prepare himself for suicide.
One divine moment, an intervention that saved his life, and a story that has the power to save others.
Instantly we knew exactly how important it was for people like you, and us, and this teenager to get our stories out there.
It was like we'd received a message from the Lord.
We realized that we had little "know how" to build and launch such a website. It was totally in God's hands, and He provided. One minor hurdle to overcome first - Money.
We pitched the idea to a businessman initially over the phone but he was not interested. Over a month later he called us back. As if we'd not had the first conversation he asked if we had any projects going that would require an investor. We pitched the same idea again to him and he wanted to meet.
We sat there with him in a downtown coffee shop and described the website to his blank confused face. We pushed that testimonial in front of him and asked him to read it. When he finished he took off his glasses and looked up at us, his mouth half open. His exact words; "This is going to save lives. How much do you need?" And that was it. We started building LordsMessage.com.
It is clear to us now, that at that moment when he finished reading the testimonial, God was in that room with us and wherever that testimonial went God went with it as well.
After reading testimony after testimony, of varying length, impact and emotion, we honestly believe without a slither of doubt that each story is a miracle of God and wherever they are shared, God is present.
You're stories are a gift from God no matter how they compare to anyone else's!
They are testaments to the presence of God and His love for us. And that is the message!
While the Bible is our blueprints for life, our testimonies are our purpose for being. They glorify God. If someone asks you "why are you a Christian?", you tell them your testimony. If someone asks you "but how do you know God is real?", you tell them your testimony. And if someone asks you "why should I become a Christian?", you tell them your testimony.
Our Mission is to provide a website for people to unite from all over the world to spread the Message.
Our Vision is that LordsMessage.com will become the greatest collaboration of testimonies anywhere in the world. A website that shares the glory of God's miraculous work within us all. A place where people can be inspired to overcome adversity. A place where every church of every Christian denomination can unite with one purpose. A website of Faith, Hope and Love.
The Name as presumptuous as it may sound was chosen because we believe that we all have a message to share of God's great love. Each of us sharing our own stories together in one place becomes a powerful and inspirational message of unity and faith.
I love being outdoors and travelling. God is all around where ever you go and I encourage everyone to seek him and his plan for you. I feel closest to him when I'm immersed in nature. Either back country snow boarding, clinging to the side of a mountain or deep deep underwater.
I love my work which is marketing and the freedom that working for myself brings. Yeah it can be up and down at times but my moto for everything in life is "Just look at the big picture"... ;)
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference - Reinhold Neibuhr (1926)
I believe in the power of prayer and the miracles that can happen when people get together and pray. I've witnessed them and I encourage everyone to start praying for something they trully believe in and ask your friemds for help with those prayers :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody and everybody...

My Blog


RESPONSIBILTYThis is just part of an email I wrote to a friend who said - "gee, I didn't know I was being a blessing to you - I guess you never know who's watching what you do"... It's just a reminder...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 15:24:00 GMT

The Woman

I'm not sure who wrote this but I saved from an email I recieved ages ago because I though it was pretty cool.. Even though I'm not a woman lol. I think it's a great illustration of how grea...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:57:00 GMT

Highway to Heaven and Hell

Here's my little analogy - hope it makes sense lol   Picture a straight road stretching through a dessert. Life is like standing on the centre line of that road. At one end of the road is a ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:16:00 GMT

ANZAC day - A day to remember and give thanks.

This is part of an email to a friend from the US who asked if I had any family who fought in WW1. I thought considering ANZAC day is coming up on the 25th April I would post it as blog. ANZAC (Austral...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:15:00 GMT

Anzac Day

An emotional day for all Australians is the 25th of April. In 1915 on this day thousands of our fathers, grandfathers and now great grandfathers, sadly now all passed away, landed on the shores o...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Nov 2007 08:37:00 GMT

My Favourite - Psalm 91

This is my favourite Psalm and I've memorised it off by heart. Every time I'm feeling a bit blue, a bit scared, a bit lonely, I will recite Psalm 91 and it lifts me up so high. Psalm 91 (NI...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 11:45:00 GMT

My first blog attempt... Are we losing our men?

I grew up on a farm in New South Wales, Australia. The farm was a combined thoroughbred horse and beef cattle breeding ranch. No silly we didn't cross breed horses with cows pfft& Anyway, as a young b...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 18:42:00 GMT