I love golf! I play just about every Monday. I'm not very good, but you don't have to be good to enjoy the game. All you have to do is hit the ball...hard!!!
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PUT WHO ID LIKE TO MEET HEREMOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODEThe Apostle Paul, Brother Yun, Smith Wigglesworth, D.L. Moody, Henri Nouwen, T.D. Jakes, Karl Barth, Jurgen Moltmann, Hans Kung, Tiger Woods, Jim Thorpe, Michael Jordan, Charles Barkley, Chris Rock, Wil Smith, Chris Tucker, Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Malcolm Gladwell, Andy Stanley, John Maxwell, Rick Godwin, Kong Hee
I love all kinds of music...praise and worship, contemporary Christian, rap, jazz, gospel, classical. I've recently been listening to David Benoit and Josh Groban. Great stuff! I'm also a musician of sorts. I have written a number of worship songs as well as a couple of wedding songs. One day I'll put a couple of them on my myspace page.
My favorite movie of all time is Braveheart. I've seen it at least 27 times and nearly memorized it. I would give anything to stand on that battle field with William Wallace and tell the English that they can take our lives but they can never take OUR FREEDOM!!!!
My favorite television show is Heroes. I am still waiting for Peter Patreli to wake up and realize who he is. The season finalle left it unclear whether Syler is dead or not. I kind of hope he's not because I want to see a real battle between him and Peter.
I love many different types of books. Here are a few that have really impacted me: 1) The Pursuit of God, A.W. Tozer 2) The Kingdom of God, John Bright 3) An Unstoppable Force, Erwin McMannus 4) The Barbarian Way, Erwin McMannus 5) The Next Generation Leader, Andy Stanley 6) Five Practices of Effective Ministry, Andy Stanley 7) Good to Great, Jim Collins 8) The Servant, James Hunter 9) The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell 10) Blink, Malcolm Gladwell
Peter & Diane Robinson, Sunhee Son Robinson, Mihee Kim, Mike Perkinson, Robert Daniels, Kreg Vaughne, Paul Yonggi Cho, Paul Shepherd, Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Mel Tari, Kong Hee, Ulf Eckman, Kevin & Dorothy Ranaghan, Amos Yong, Wolfgang Vondey, Gordon Fee, Brother Yun, A.W. Tozer, Smith Wigglesworth, William Seymour, Cecil M. Robeck...