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brandon schultz

I am here for Networking

About Me

My name is Brandon Schultz. My myspace address is and I also have a geocities page about investing at _Stock_Market_Analysis.html

I went to Coleman High School in Michigan and went onto attend two years of college at Michigan Tech. I took a few internships with Williams International and MDOT. I finished my degree at Western Michigan University in 2006. I now spend my days working on Excel with an automotive company. I got married in 2005 to the woman that God created just for me - I love her. Marriage only finds its strength in none other than our Lord and Savior - Jesus Christ.
I spend a lot of my time studying the stock market, investing, 401k, emerging market and mutual funds.
Chirst is Mankind's only hope for salvation. By grace - through faith - not of man's decision or husband's will - a gift from God - we love him because He first loved us. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God - " are right to call me Lord.." - Jesus - John #:##
As for Evolution, there would be a million half mutants everywhere, they would be as common as sand on a seashore and man and woman would have no desire to wear clothes. Rape, murder, and stealing would not matter if not for Absolutes - Darwin converted to Christianity before he died. Niche said there is no God, but I look around and don't see Niche anymore, but God still reigns in the Heavens.
Addictions - everyone has them, only Christ can heal the human soul. Why do people talk about their first husband they divorced? - or complain about how hard some situations are - we are told to trust in Christ even when it means we can't see and we have to grope in the dark in akward silence - Christ told us to trust in Him. When faced with such lies in this world - to hurt yourself, to take the easy shortcut, to give up, to lose hope - that's why there is prayer, hope, faith. These weapons aren't given to cut the bread and slice the butter - they are weapons - use them - stand firm then in Christ. In basic training there were plenty of times I wanted to quit, to be filled with doubt, but Christ taught me how to walk by faith not sight - he shows grace to the humble and mercy to the sinner - that is exactly what I am. In the bottom of the boat, the disciples thought they would drowned, but Christ said, "oh ye of little faith" - trials are a chance to excel in faith and learn the patience of God. Cry out for wisdom - In Proverbs, one of the first chapters tells man not to lean on his understanding, but rather to fear the Lord. Therefore we are not wise - there is no one who is wise all have turned away, they have together become worthless - In James it states that if a man should lack wisdom then he should ask of the Lord and not doubt. This shows that man has no wisdom is found in man, only God is wise, and we are told that we can ask God for wisdom. Just follow the instructions and humble yourself - that's what I have to learn - however hard that might be for a prideful guy as me. Why do people say, "man, temptations are so difficult" - of course they are that's why they are temptations - I myself fail and fall to temptation but in Christ we can overcome sin. Only through the blood of Christ Jesus can mankind find true peace and be reconciled for all his/her sins - Christ took our place - may Christ be glorified forever and ever amen.
WOW take a look at these MySpace Backgrounds & Layouts

My Interests

Stocks, ETF's, 401k's, mutual funds k_and_Stock_Market_Analysis.html

I'd like to meet:

Jim Cramer (of Mad Money)


Smalltown Poets, Five Iron, Skillet, and Switchyurfoot


Xmen, 3 stoodges, Batman Begins, The Incredibles


Seinfeld, HGTV, CNBC (Kudlow), Mad Money


The Bible, The Goal, SmartMoney Magazine


Len Biro

My Blog

Freedom in Christ

Going to see TobyMac and Skillet in September Yo's.  Praise the Lord for freedom in Christ Jesus alone.
Posted by brandon schultz on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 11:21:00 PST

Current Market Metrics

I expect the market to turn downward through the end of March 2007.  The stock market needs a correction and to protect my 401k I am waiting for the March low to invest in the market.  I was...
Posted by brandon schultz on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 06:21:00 PST