My interests are sports and the outdoors especially anything to do with archery. Im in the military right now training and eventually taking classes to get a degree then will go in the FBI and eventually work my way up to swat.
I would like to meet Tim Wells and Jennifer Aniston and Especially Brooks Johnson and Keith Beam, a girl who makes me feel like i can trust her even though i probably have no reason not too or its my fault that i dont.
Lethal Flight, The Ringer, The Convenant. All Monster Bucks Videos and the one with Hunter passed out in the shower with Smith filming him. Beerfest
Everybody hates Chris, One Tree Hill, All sporting events, Relentless Pursuits, Double Bull Archery. Prison Break
Tuesdays with Morrie, and The Five people you meet in Heaven.
My Mom and Dad, Cory Toth and Greg Bullers. My family,Shane Reed, Hunter Ruby, Jason Smith, Brock Shaffer, Shay and Nick Magagnotti. OH yeah and Walt and Pat "The Shit" Ruby