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The Les Cloechards

About Me

Deluxe Acoustic Street Music For The Modern High Society
Wenn die The Les Clöchards zum Budenzauber laden, riecht es nach warmem Asphalt, Mittelmeer, französischem Parfum und Pastis. Und wo die fünf Teilzeitobdachlosen ihre Musik hintragen wird gestaunt, was es alles an Ohren- und Augenfutter gibt: schräge und schöne, schnelle und langsame Klänge – nicht zu zart und nicht zu hart; wie eine erstklassig durchliebte Nacht. Tollkühne Tanzeinlagen, normwidrige Blödelei, Gesichts- & Instrumentalakrobatik. Ein Schlagzeug aus Trommelmüll und alte Anzüge, bei denen gestreift mit geblümt kombiniert wird als ob es kein Morgen gäbe. In der ersten Reihe tanzt ein älterer Herr (den Twist), da hinten küsst sich zärtlich ein junges Pärchen (mit Zunge), weiter vorne prosten sich Proletariat und Bourgeoisie fröhlich zu! Völlig klar: die Gesellschaft befindetsich gemeinsam auf einer amüsanten Irrfahrt durch einen musikalischen Vergnügungspark. Mal wird voll durchgebrezelt, mal leger entlanggegondelt. Die The Les Clöchards haben sich 2005 als Straßenmusikband gegründet und sind seitdem jedes Jahr ein paar Wochen im Wohnwagen in Südfrankreich und Deutschland unterwegs. In der restlichen Zeit bespaßen sie Kleinkunsttheater, Livemusikclubs, Galas & Dinnershows, Yachten in St. Tropez und Pensionierungsparties im Ruhrgebiet. Ihre Show schwingt humorvoll hin und her zwischen Konzert und Clownerie mit Rockstar-Attitüde, wobei auf extravagante Art den großen Songs gehuldigt wird. Was dabei heraus kommt, wenn die The Les Clöchards einem Lied ihren Hut aufgesetzt haben, ist Musik für Menschen, die ihre Erdbeeren gerne ein Stück abseits des Waldweges pflücken und davor zurückschrecken, Linoleum auf gut erhaltene Dielenböden zu kleben.
This are we, "The Les Clöchards". In the year 2005, we wanted to have some fun and also liked to have some money, because we haven't had so much money. What did we? We did make a band!
We could all play very good an instrument or could sing very good -- we even did study playing the music! "What do you think, can we play on the streets in south of France to have fun and to get some money?" did ask our friend Axel. "Yes!" we all were saying, "this can we do! Is a nice idea from you, Axel!" So we did it.
And that's us:
Michael "Bluesmichel" Erbach (Vocals)
Axel "Aexlemjullah" Müller ( Tenor- & Sopransaxophone, Harmonica)
Erik "Kupferkönich" Jünge (Dobro)
Dirk "Dirchkunz" Kunz (Double Bass)
Philipp "Decibel" Zdebel (Road Drums).
We did practice a lot of songs. Many were Raggae, but many were Country, Rock'n'Roll, Polka and Pop music, too. We recorded a record, our first record "Fearless & Dirty". Then we packed our intruments, a little bit of food, a lot of drinks and ourselves in a caravan, and we did drive to the Côte-d'Azur. The Côte-d'Azur is a nice place in south of France with a-lot-of nice people with a-lot-of nice money.
They have palms there and promenades, where we played our music. And do you know what? People liked very much what we were doing! They gave us money for free and did buy a-lot-of records! Because they did not know our kind of Deluxe Street-Music; they only did know the street music of the natives there called "Pan-Flute-Indios" -- we did not like them very much.

In Stropez (a nice town in the Côte-d'Azur) they invited us to play on big yacht-boats and music clubs, too. We liked that very much!
Now, in the year 2007, it's three years later. We recorded another record called "Dirty but Nice". Every year, we did spend a-few weaks on the streets in France playing our music. We sell them records! A-lot-of!
More and more people from all over the Europe come and ask us: "can you play on the birthday-party of my wife? On the marriage of my sister? On the anniversary-celebration of my company?" When we ask back "don't you think that what we do is a bit low-down and trashy?" people answer: "Yes! And we like that very much! Please come, wear your dirty suits and play your nice music, we want you to drink beer all the time like you do on the streets, and we give you a lot of money"! And you know what? We go there and play!
After many, many streetconcerts on southern europes boulevards, The Les Clöchards finally found their winter-destination: We was playing over 100 Shows at the Park Hotel Bremen ( This gave us the opportunity to leave our caravan during the cold wintertime and spend our sparetime in whirlpools and at hotelbars. This was in winter 2007/2008 and winter 2008/2009.
New CD "Nice ör Never":
We have spend 2 weeks in august to go down again to our most lovely place called southfrance. There was a house waiting for us to fill the empty rooms with our new music: this is where the 3rd CD was recordet. The new CD is called "Nice Ör Never". You can listen to the Songs here or on our Website and buy the each CD online on our website or when you come to see a show...
Please visit our website

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Member Since: 20/02/2007
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Record Label: Unsigned

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