Free Demonic layouts at
This is without doubt one of the most dynamic and powerful CDs the band have EVER produced. Rare is the CD where virtually every song is a class A product! Every track is a blaster, designed to reinforce the band..s standing within the music scene, as well as to push the frontiers of musical innovation even further than ever before!
A sonic invocation of darkened energies that could wake the dead, as well as put some much needed fire in the living! This album has it all! The band have stayed true to their subcultural Gothic roots, but have whole-heartedly embraced the power of new technologies and guitar approaches. Imagine Ministry, but with a darker Darkwave approach, fuelled by the ..Voice of the Unclean.. that is Trev Bamford, the sheet metal slabs of guitar riffola courtesy of Nick Hopkinson, and the Dark Lady herself, Estelle van Goth on the seductive and sinister synth washes.
An angry and groundbreaking CD. Every home should have a copy!
"For many years I have suspected that there are indeed worlds that coexist alongside our own. There have been numerous Sci Fi films, books and tv shows about Parallel Worlds. There have also been, throughout the ages, stories of ghosts, angels, demons, monsters, aliens, unexplained phenomena etc,etc. All this is compounded by many people..s (including my own) experiences of things and occurrences that really cannot be explained by conventional science, or even in some cases common sense!
Recently, science has postulated that Parallel Worlds are in fact a reality! They came upon this blinding truth via a myriad of computations and equations. But the basic foundation of their claim comes in the form of the nature of gravity. Very simply put, gravity should be a lot more powerful than it is; the only explanation for the lack of strength of gravity, is that it is ..leaking.. to other planes of existence alongside our own!
Much of MC..s music over the years contains subconscious and conscious references to this situation, and it is only now that I have a firm scientific basis to place my ideas upon, that the ideas can have a freer reign so that the CD you hold in your hand has come into existence, at least in this plane!
Enjoy the fruits of our labours!"
Trevor Bamford March 2007