{! Right i'm from Morocco, situated in North Africa if you don't know that iSuggest you google it Fam, iGo by the name of B-reezy or A-D iGo College
iPlay Ball
iHave no time for msn, you will rarely catch me online.
iDesign graphics in my spare time, started on may 07, so drop a comment on the designs you got nothing to lose by doing so and it would be much appreciated thanks.
Bodybuilding - Can be fun, hitting the gym when iCan boiiii iFind going KFC and taking protein shakes helps very much so.
Always aspiring to better myself physically and mentally, taking out agression by hitting the gym and not people :]
Losing someone that means the world to you is the most heart breaking thing that occurs in our short lifes and it's only when their gone when you really start to feel it. Bless my soldier Ali- iWill always have a place in my heart for you.
And you hear all this talk about making P... but shouldn't we be thinking about those less fortunate than us, all them third world countries with lack of water, food & diseases... iThink everyone should do their part to help even it ain't much at least you can say you've contributed, seeing as were all equal so shouldn't we all deserve the same... newai that's just my thoughts.
And when Times are Tough, iPut my Trust in God.
...Thats me... B-reezzy
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