I love sun, it's my energy! And I love musicians because they play with me!!!
In the nature, on the lake, open-air, festivals, inside or outside, everywhere take me and do music on me as long as you want. I have 10 hours energy also if there is no sun, and I can support a sound system equivalent to 800 people room.All made in recycling products, I am born in Lausanne, Switzerland in a design atelier specialised in alternative energies and eco products. see atelier2ce.org and ader.ch/expo
I have been part of many events as Montreux jAzz, rip Curl pro/hossegore, Paléo Festival/Nyon, International Roller Contest/Lausanne, Cox18/Milan, Les Digitales/Lausanne, Assises Européennes du Développement Durable/Lille, Caprices Festival/Crans Montana, Forum Social Suisse/Fribourg, snowboarding competition/Avoriaz...Open-airs and parties...in the street, in the forest or clubs.
Exhibitions and performances like Postpetrolismus eingelautet/Zurich, Kolkoz Radiomobile performance/Art basel or City-eco-lab curated by John Thackara
Many artists have already played with me in DJ sets or Live ActsI am totally autonomous and easy to transport.
Then if you want me, send me a message!!!