Member Since: 2/20/2007
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Band Members: Cé?TradFest Music Productions are Alan Eavan and Kev.We decided that Tradfest as it started in DIT should live on.The ethos as Alan started off with bringing Trad to a younger audience is still central and we want to embrace the changing fabric of Irish society by creating a new approach and our own culture and promote in areas where it is found under-exposed.
Influences: Feile Trad----Stick a fork in us, if you can find one, no-one's done the washing up for a while and we've started eating in fancy restaurants as befits a company of such no the company doesn't eat it's us...hang on we're getting off the point...restaurants?...there' s a rather nice one in...sorry sorry where was I? Oh yes, we're done. With laughter dancing and a few tears the Feile Trad Tour played it's last date in Trinity College on April 10th. For now. Oh yes you'd better believe it, in true Tradfest fashion we're not stopping there, besides our massively exciting summer schedule the Feile Trad Tour will be back with you in the autumn bigger and better and always free free free. God we're good.
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Sounds Like: Tradfest was first presented to students from all over the country in 2004, in a sell-out concert hosted by DIT, in the former Red Box (now Tripod) on Harcourt St in Dublin. Tradfest grew in popularity through a series of gigs over the following couple of years in other top Dublin venues, the Village and Vicar St, enjoying performances from some of Irelands best loved performers of varied genres including Kila (trad / world), Derek Warfield of The Wolfetones (folk / ballad), and The Saw Doctors (folk rock), as well as new upcoming local and international talent.Now Tradfest Music is focusing on widening its audience by breaking old conventions of how and where traditional Irish music is presented. Mixing styles, fusing sounds and reintegrating lost music are key elements to the current sound of Tradfest Music.
Record Label: Unsigned