Going out with my crew of gals! gossip, just having fun...remember enjoy life to the max...cuz its sometimes cut short.
Adam Brody from the O.C yummmmy, and i've already met my true soul mate ;-)!
Well janine and ross always take the piss outa me when it comees to music, cuz i'm usually that far behind, but I generally like a bit of everything...!
Dirty Dancing is my all time favourite, along with Never been kissed, Ckueless, Mean-guls, stepmom...(chickflicks)!!
The O.C!!!!! Along with friends, will & grace, Jeremy Kyle show etc...And I love all my soaps especially Eastenders!!
The Ross Lamont Autobiography!! oj lol!! I'm not really much of a bookworm, I like my mags such as tho Ok, hello, closer, new, more and reveal...and my latest fav... Look!
Its gotta be my mum, nanna and dad!! There always there for me through thick and thin... I idolise them all so much!!