Acme Pet Transport profile picture

Acme Pet Transport

I am here for Networking

About Me

Acme Pet Transport is a forum that allows anyone who wants to help rescue animals communicate, share resources and above all coordinate transports. "The Wiki of animal rescue"Have you ever said to yourself - I want to help rescue animals but I don't have money to donate or I can't foster.Then - How about taking a road trip once in a while on the weekend for an hour or two with a 4 legged passenger(s). Thats what acme pet is all about! Watch out - I've been told its addicting *giggles*Volunteers transporting rescue animals via relay usually from bad situations/kill shelters to a safe rescue group, foster or forever home.What? You don't drive?!?!
ok - no problem - perhaps you can help coordinate, do home visits.. etc.. we have a list of 100 ways to help rescue animals - you'd be surprised how one little thing can help and save a life.Besides transports.. the Acme Pet forum has a load of other topics --- rescue groups can stop by & list their group - network with other rescue groups, list animals for adoption, volunteer to coordinate, there's a lost & found section, general pet chat - with references - talk about your pet or add to our references.Taking a vaction? We have a drivers & flyers available section. If you taking a road trip from NY to Boston for example - you can post the date of your road trip - there may be a furbaby needing a ride.Acme Pet forum was created in Feb 2004. Since then - with a group effort of all the volunteers who have passed by - many many unwanted, abused or animals who were on death row are now living a happy & healthy life.One more thing... before you leave.. if you know of anyone who is interested in helping rescue animals - send 'em the link to this page.There are thousands & thousands animals in shelters who are victims of abuse or unwanted for selfish reasons, euthanized by the 100's every second of the day and they can't speak for themselves or reach out for help - so they depend on your voice -- passing the word on can make an enormous difference!Thank you! :) You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM 's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Stop by the Acme Pet forum & add your name to the volunteer drivers list.The volunteer driver forum is divided into geographical regions. Once you register & log in to the forum add your name to the list.When a transport coordinator is putting together a transport they can use the volunteer driver forum list as reference in order to fill the transport. The result is the common goal - helping rescue animals geta safer place and hopefully have a better life.

My Blog

How could you??

When I was a puppy I entertained you with antics and made you laugh. You called me your child an despite a number of chewed shoes and a couple of murdered throw pillo...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 08:51:00 GMT

What is "Time"?

Dear God, What is "Time"? I hear the sadness in the voices of workers here. They say my "Time is up", that they have to make room for yet another ...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 21:07:00 GMT

100 Ways to Help A Rescue Group

100 Ways to Help A Rescue Group(c) 1999-2004, Krys Prichard and Trinity of Hope Dog Rescue, used with express permission. many times I hear people say that they don't know...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 21:01:00 GMT