My name is Tom. I think we are being challenged as a country, and are currently being faced with the defining moment of our generation. Man is not a slave to the ends of society, man is an end in himself. When things get bad, it is time to dig deep and find out who we are and what we are made of. We are not in our present situation as the greatest society in history, because of passive or politically correct citizens. We have to make sure our opinions and convictions are respected and heard. Utilizing our freedom is essential to carrying on what the greatest generation died for, which is our ability to make a difference in the world around us. If we sit by idle, doing nothing, while handing over control our own lives to others, they will write the conclusion of the story of our generation. If we cannot be the greateset generation, then we must at least become a great generation. We owe that to the men who died in places, far from the blessed life here in America that many of us treat as an entitlement instead of a blessing. We must show our strength and find out exactly what our generation is made of. Are we going to go down in history as appeasors, who Winston Churchill described as people who feed the crocodile, in hopes of being eaten last. Will we write the conclusion of the story of our generation? A conclusion where we don't give up when we are faced with the defining moment of our generation. We will win the war on terror, if we all decide to take action to light the fuse on a movement that will take a stand to finish what has been started. We didn't write the first chapter of our story, that was written by our enemy on 9/11. The ending will be written by us and the time is now to make our lives meaningful, by ensuring the next generation will have the strength to overcome comparable tests, God forbid if they have to. Lets make sure we do all we can to make sure they won't have to fight the trials and tribulations we face today. The example that we must show our youth, is that of a country made up of people who don't flich by instict, they fight by instict. We will evolve to the point where surrender is a trait, that is suppressed naturally to ensure the continueation of the American way of life. Which is the ultimate goal of all living organisms. We will not become instinct, the non evolving species of Islamic radicalism will. Their species has not evolved whatsoever for hundreds of years. It is our mission statement to drum up support for this war, and to make sure the president we choose to represent us, is a leader who will lead us into battle until it is won. I am asking you to stand with us and pass this message on to as many people as possible. I hope you will join us and pass the URL of my site on to everyone you can think of. Thank you for taking the time to read this and watch the vidoes here that convey the message I am trying to spread in order to light the fuse of our movement. Never hold back your opinions, in fear of offending poeple. If you are afraid of offending people, then you are not exercising the very thing that many brave Americans died for, and continue to die for today.
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We have politicians who are more worried about the treatment of the mastermind behind 9/11, than trying to shut up the conspiricy theorists, by talking about how he confessed. Why in the hell wasn't his confession plastered all over the news, so we can debunk these insane anti-amercian scum? He admitted it, there is tape of Osama bragging about how he picked flights with lots of feul. Why is this kind of talk backpage material, while nuts like Rosie and those like her get more face time than John Edward's mirror. Everyone knows Kalid sheik muhommed was planning to use our planes against years before 9/11. When we hear discussions with people NOBODY BRINGS THIS UP! WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Here is a must see clip. We have absolute garbage for politicians in MI. Who do these fucking people represent?
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