Topic of Interest:
Charity Comes From the Heart.Even when we give to those in need, unless we feel compassion for them we do not have charity.
When we have charity we are loyal, we believe the best of others, and we defend them. When we really have charity these good feelings stay with us forever.
Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use and persecute you.
On July 5th I married the most wonderful guy in the world!!
We live in Sammamish now, not sure how long we'll stay up here but we like it so far! We have a dog named Jeffrey, he's the cutest Chihuahua you'll ever see!
Being married has definitely been a change but I'm loving every second of it. I have so much learn, my biggest hope is that I will never stop progressing to become better than I was the day before. I'm slowly learning that my greatest weaknesses are also my strengths. How great is it that we can inspire ourselves by learning from our own mistakes?Everyone has room to improve, why stop?
I love my family and friends so much! My mom and sister are great inspirations to me! Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today. I am more and more grateful everyday for all the blessings in my life! It's amazing how much more things mean when we don't take them for granted!