I'm DAVE!!!. I have short blonde hair and i like it that way, blue eyes and I don't really have a choice about that, I'm kinda tall but I don't want to get any taller. I love orange juice, Disney movies, drinking, and melt your face off weather. I'm thinkin that PIZZA and COOKIES are the best food out in the world today. Skateboarding is always a good time, and for those who don't skate sould probably get off their asses and go skateboarding. My favorite bands are THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD, AS I LAY DYING, and IN FLAMES. I am obsessed with SOUNDS OF THE UNDERGROUND!!!. Everyone in the world should go to it.I love going to local shows. I really like MOSHING, CROWD-SURFING, WALL OF DEATHS, and pretty much anything where you bash your bodies to loud metal. But nothing beats hanging out with my friends!!!