Fire My WordsYou know sometimes you can predict your future at a very young age, but then when you grow older you ask yourself" Is this what i really want?...Is this where i wanna be?...Is he/she the person i wanna say i can spend the rest of my life with?...Will i be a parent before i turn 50 years old?...Am i loving the right people?...Are they loving me back?..Am i taking charge of my life...Do i have to be the person someone else expected me to be or am i living for myself?" But you know what, you can get any answer to these questions but you cant until you live it...For right now its just unanswered questions...And as you move on and take a step each and everyday of your life, the only thing you can say is " I have a chance to get answers to these questions if only i believe in myself...IN MYSELF!".....Tommorow is another day and i will grow to love and cherish every moment i have with my friends, family, and me...I have a very special person to give thanks to..For giving me the light to see who i was and what i can become if i just take my time...for being there when i really needed someone and time wasn't an issue...Malique, i thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for being the best friend i never had..You know i tell you all the time how much i wished you were in my life a long time ago..I love you and will always love you for being that very special person to me and i will never forget it...Thank you
You know it took me to go through many obstacles to realize why certain people are in my life. I see that not everyone in my life is permanant. They serve their purpose and once the task are done they are suppose to be released. And even though they mean the world to you, its best to let them go. Lessons are to be learned and what you have grasped is suppose to be taken with you through the path of life. I tend to question who and why they are in my life more than before and its going to be like that for a long time especially if thats what i have to do in order to move on. To the ones who are no longer here for me i notice why you were the person you were in my life and i now know i no longer need you. I love the ones that only loved me back and the ones who didnt take my love for granted...And the journey continues...Who would i meet next?..The following people are people i care for very much and i am lucky to have had them in my life. And if they still are i cant thank them enough for still being here..cute myspace layouts
Rita: I remember when I first met you in High School and all i can say to myself was "she reminds me of me!". Everything I saw inside you was a reflection of me. Im so glad i can call u my friend, my sista cuz you were like my shadow and you still is and i appreciate you so much. I love you to death and you will always be my nicca for life.myspace generator
Malique: You already know what it is. I don't know what i would do if you weren't a friend of mines. I cherish every minute and every second with you cause i know there hasn't been no other friend like you. You are my best friend and no one can take that away from me. Thank you for being there for me when no one else was. I love you dearly and always will. Best friends for life!image hosting site
Sarah: Girl you know we had some days!!...College wouldn't have been fun if you wasn't the twin of mine..And yea dont be giving away my cadillac either even if im not there to claim days i had with you i will keep in my heart cause even when i knew school would be hard it was easy with you by my side...We held it down together and i wish i was still there with you...You and Toya grew onto me until i called yall my sistas of Berkeley..I'll always be the Sweetessa that made yall days crazy like hell...Memories i will never forget...Love you always..myspace
Anthony: You know everyday I thank God for giving me the opportunity to experience what love can really feel like at least one time. Im so lucky to have had you in my life for the moment that I did and what i can say is that it was the best times i ever had. Nothing or no one can ever take this feeling away from me. I remember every little thing we said to eachother and every little moment we spent together cuz i dont know when or if i would get that again. I do want you to kno that i love you so much and even though we are not together i still consider you to be the man of my dreams. im so happy about how everything is working out for you. Love you now, tommorow, and forever..myspace
Cassie: Sweety, we had a lot to go through being in Grace Dodge High School. Cosmetology was not only a trip down crazy lane but it was fun not being on that trip alone. You became closer than ever to me in school and i thank you for being such a friend. And you know what? Now your a mommy and i know your the best mother to your daughter cause you were the best friend to me. I hope you succeed in what you dream to be and have because i remember u having the toughest times and me as well but we did it together. I'll always consider you a friend of mine.myspace
Erinn: I think you already know where you stand with me. Its been just about 6 years since ive known you and nothing has changed. You still love me the way you do even though its crazy how you give it to me. I know we have just jumped back on track since our incident and to tell you the truth im still feeling the same way but i love you to death. There's still a lot of growing to do to get me back the way i was with you but im willing to take a chance if you are. Your living your life alone but not really cause im still here. Don't know where we will be in years to come but i hope its not without you..myspace
Myiesha: Lol..Im sorry i had to laugh first but you know you is crazy as hell. And when we together its even crazier. I think you know what it do so i dont even have to explain myself. You hold it down for me and i really do appreciate that a lot. We do damage together and its mainly on the real i got nothing but for love you and i always will..Much Love