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SooZ Q

I am here for Friends

About Me

**I go by the name of SooZ Q(My formal name is Susan...but I don't like that name...sounds like a name you use when you are in trouble...ya i prefer Susie or "SooZ"(Becki's preferred name for me...and it just stuck!--everyone calls me that...I love it!) or "The Q!" (--as my best friend Annie calls me!) **I am 38 years old--40 is fast approaching...holy snikeys! **I am an abortion survivor w/CP(Cerebral Palsy. I am alive and kicking butt! hahahaha **Yes, I can drive, and I am a ballerina...(latter part-NOT, just kidding) **Mark and I have been married for almost 204 months on June 24, 2007. I adore my "knight-n-shining armor". **We have 3 beautiful awesome children. David, 13-Naomi, 10-Joshua, 5. **We have the most awesome gurl beagle named Shiloh...she is the dog we ,or I shall say, my daughter Naomi prayed for over a year and God answered her "heart's desire"...We have had her since June 2006. She is so sweet and adorable. We all love the babygurl!!! **We are a christian homeschooling family residing in Roseville, California. **We attend Warehouse Christian Ministries at Roseville. A real place with real people with real lives! Check out their **I love all my friends, who are in a sense my know who you are!!!! Well I will name a few--AnnieBannanie, Nicki, Becki, Lauren, Melinda, Michele, Debbie, Moorea, Lori...etc...there is a lot more but I love every one of YOU'S. **I love my extended family in North we all have a new cousin to add to the family...Angie and her family. She was adopted and she found us!!! Whoohoo! We are finding that she and I have alot in common with our family histories. **I love my sista-in-law Pam--"The Gorgeous One". I have been her "cute one" of a sista-in-law since 2!!! She is the best Sisterlaw anyone could have really!!! She has loved me unconditionally and stood by me thru "thick and thin!" She and her family have been awesome to me. **I love watching comedies. **S-T-A-R-B-U-C-K-S is awesome!!!! I enjoy HOT Peppermint Mochas!!!!! And let's not forget Iced Shaken Lemonade Green Tea that is SWEETENED!!! **My favorite food is Sushi. **I love email/chattin' thing...and the phone thingy too. I am on gknightmomma on with me anytime! ** Yes, I have two sets of requires gas and the other one doesn't!!!!! hahahahahahaha. ** I am so excited about myspace...I wanted this to portray who we really are, what we believe in and how we love each other! I am so blessed. **And on a serious note, I love Jesus--a wonderful maker and savior, who has never forsaken me or forgotten me. Hebrews 13:5-6 is my life motto. **
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My Interests

**A relationship with God...I am a "miracle" to survive abortion!!!Do I need to say more???, but Thank You for giving me a chance to live Jesus. **Family...why not? God created a masterpeice! **Mark--my wonderful husband!!! We have been married 202 months as of April 24, 2007. Mark is a very funny, gracious, humble, protective and spirit-filled godly man...and he chose me to be his cool is that!? **the children...David, Naommi, Joshua are truly the most awesome bunch of children two parents could have. Mark and I would like to add 1 more to the brood someday. **Home...It is our safe place...a place for Mark to come home to after a hard day's work...and be loved by all of us. This home gives me an opportunity to be a servant to my family...and be a place for others to come and be loved and accepted. **Friends...We love our friends so much....we are a very social family and we love to hang out with people wh make us laugh and feel accepted and loved. **Starbucks...this is so Self explanatory! Can you tell I LOVE Starbucks... on a funny note, it is a bit of Heaven when you live right next door to a Starbucks! Just ask my gurlfriends!!!

I'd like to meet:

Well, I have already met one person in my life...My dear husband...Mark. He is my dream come true. Just to be loved and accepted unconditionally. He is my "safe place"....( I love you so much Mark!) Um, I would like to meet Tom Selleck...WOWSERS! I can do cartwheels!!!hahahaha. He is very adorable...but not as adorable as my hubby! Mark looks like him a bit :)....ok, I am drrrrooollling....and it is not becuase of the Cerebral Palsy! haha.


**Contemporary Smooth **I love to listen to Contemporary Christian worship music. I love listening to the group Newsong at this current time. Their song " Before the day"...this song reflects my heart.


**"Somewhere in Time" with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeves. My all-time favorite!**My 2nd "Something has Gotta Give" with Jack Nicholson and Diane reminds me of my relationship with Mark...the small little habits in their relationship in the movie....makes the relationship so real and normal.


**Law-N-Order shows! I love em!!!! **I love TVLand on Cable when I see it. We don't have standardcable...but when we view it away from is a real treat. I love seeing "Sanford and Son". **I admit, I like Blue Collar Comedy...especially with the comedian Ron White. **Robin Williams is my favorite alltime comedy actor!


**The New Living Translation Bible **Christian fiction by Michael Phillips **Christian fiction by Tracie Peterson


**My adopted grandma who has gone to be with the Lord....Grandma Odom was my best friend during my high school years....and into college. Great lady!!!! I cannot wait to see her and just wrap my arms around her. I love her so much. **I hope to see our little baby "RachelGrace" I know GMA Odom is holding her for me****My husband Mark. A man full of Unconditional Love and Grace for me. You are awesome Mark. I am blessed beyond my comprehension.

My Blog


Well...Today is a very special day in my life...I first became a mom to my firstborn David Austin--14 years ago ....He is celebrating his Bday and I am so so blessed to have a son as awesome as He.God...
Posted by SooZ Q on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 01:28:00 PST


Well....Today is our Joshua's 5th birthday!!!!  What a blessing this little guy is to us especially to me. His smile and sweet nature.  His eagerness to please and learn....He just disc...
Posted by SooZ Q on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 04:45:00 PST

1 month 08-16-05

Well, I cannot believe 1 month has gone Dad has been gone from us.  I know he is a believer in Christ..."he just changed addresses"...but still it is hard to fathom...almost like it did n...
Posted by SooZ Q on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 11:53:00 PST

My Dad

Wow, this has been a tough week...I lost my Father on July 16, 2005...and I cannot describe how I heart is burdened with many emotions and uncertanities. Not sure of what is g...
Posted by SooZ Q on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST