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This Is My Life (well the part that I'm willing to disclose that is CommentSupply a href=

About Me

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Single, too young to be my age. Think I peaked at 35 and have stayed there. I enjoy my own company and doing what I like when I like. Done the lots of friends thing but have found a few close friends the better option. I enjoy my work but bitch about it all the time. CommentSupply

Like to be active but don't feel guilty when I sit around and accomplish nothing.I play a bit of guitar CommentSupply

and some keyboards and write songs and record them on my computer based set up (for those that need to know it's Cakewalk software, Roland JV35 Keyboard, Washburn & Fender guitars). Probably will do the You Tube thing in the near future. Will put it in my blog when I do.Like to go out and see bands be they stadium acts or pub bands or even the old one man band.

Myspace Graphics
Like to keep fit I jog and bike ride,

Myspace Graphics

play a bad game of golf

Myspace Graphics
and also fish occasionally

My Interests

Funny .........................Music (Writing,Playing & Recording my own originals). Most sports, play a little golf swim and keeping fit by jogging and bike riding. Like to go fishing though don't go as often as I like (may have something to do with also liking sleep). Enjoy, thats right I said enjoy working around the house and garden. Just getting back into photography both still and video..................................You are now marked on my visitor map!

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I'd like to meet:

Like to meet people from all over the place from all backgrounds hope to learn about different cultures. Not looking for lifelong friends but if they happen they happen.


Anything Blues or Rock, particularly things like BB King Clapton Stones and a lot of Aussie bands with a bit of country thrown in (thanks Angie)


Haven't been to see a movie for ages, have occasional bouts of insomnia so old movies that are on in the wee hours are about all I have seen lately. Fav movies of all time would be African Queen with Bogart and Hepburn and One Flew Over The Cucoos Nest


All the ones that you'd expect, Lost, Simpsons, Southpark Current Affairs and "reality" shows


Do newspapers count. No time to read just for the fun of it. Last book read was Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Must have read that book about ten times.


Anybody doing medical research, volonteers & plastic surgeons (I just love their work).

My Blog

A Day In The Life - Weekday Version

Hello to all my friends wherever you are. I as usaul, I am starting this blog with no idea where it's going to lead. I feel that I have to, no want to say something that others may read and lear...
Posted by mark on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 06:48:00 PST

Taking Care Of Number One

G'day All, Well I'm staring at that blank space not knowing what I will write about today, Not that I feel that I have to but I want to. Choices are something we have to make nearly every second of th...
Posted by mark on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:44:00 PST

Rainy Tuesday Night

Hi There, As you can see from the title its raining here in Sydney. Not that I mind too much, after all we need it. The rain has a strange affect on me, during the day it makes me want to fi...
Posted by mark on Tue, 24 Apr 2007 06:47:00 PST

What's Happening

Hi All, Well what a week, I have been busy (both work and play). Had the fullest weekend possible did everything I like saw just about everyone that I like  Started off with a night catching...
Posted by mark on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:31:00 PST

Don't Call Me Sweety, Darling or Dear

Hi All, Probably looks like a strange title but it seems like nearly every second customer (no I don't sell anything I work for our welfare agency in Australia called  Centrelink but we call our ...
Posted by mark on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 06:51:00 PST

Been Busy Doing Nothing

Hi All, Well it's been a a while since my last blog. You'd think there would be a whole mountain of things for me to bring you up to date with. Well there is but it's all pretty mundane stuff. Here's ...
Posted by mark on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 08:03:00 PST

Whats Happened This Last Week

14/3/07 Here we are, Wednesday evening House has just finished. Love that show. Been off work for the last 2 days with a bout of flu, haven't felt much like doing anything. Thank god for the inte...
Posted by mark on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 04:04:00 PST

It's hard back at work.

8/2/07   Well back at work now, it's been a tough 4 days, have one more day to go then the weekend YIPPYYYYYYYYYY. For those that are waiting to hear if I caught those couple of fish th...
Posted by mark on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 04:22:00 PST

Three Down One To Go

Well here we are again been on holidays for 3 weeks now. feel satisfied that I have done enouggh work around the house sa as not to feel guiilty about doing anything at all for tyhe last week of my br...
Posted by mark on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 04:39:00 PST

Starting my blog

Just starting off with this. I will add whaen something significant happens or i just want to get something off my chest. I'm on holidays at the moment, not that you could realy tell, seem to have bee...
Posted by mark on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 06:48:00 PST