About Me
Born September. 1985, raised in Carson Ca. from the scottsdale projects through the ghetto's of the city, Bad Habbit birthname Marvin T. who always musicaly inclined since an infant when mother Evelyn discovered her sons passion for music without her natural motherly touch, by just a push of a button to calm, soothe and make her son smile. Since then brought up and influenced by legendary rap/hiphop artists, Bone thugs n Harmony, Tupac Shakur, Nas, and many others who were labeled "The Realest".
From the Ol' School to New school, good music is great music in the ears of talented and present rap/hiphop "unsigned" artist Bad Habbit.
His first rap performance was at his elementary's talent show, studying the song and lyrics of group Bone Thugs, "Crossroads" and performing to a standing ovation, now to small local tours around the Los Angeles, Hollywood, Orange County, and surrounding areas, to giving away mixtapes, promoting through myspace, management by Donna Wingate, and with help from friends, "I am always focused, hard working, and doing what it takes to be successfull in utilizing my blessings from the heavenly father".
Bad Habbit's goals is to fullfill his longtime dream of his music to be heard by billions and to also lyrically enable what the current rap industry is lacking.
"My music is addicting to one's ear jus like your normal badhabits, from my versitility, to the way i poeticly connect words, my hype, the mellow, the reality of my speech, also my creativity and speed, I make music from my heart, and all around a natural born blessed flow, Im on the verge of Stardom"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2AeHklj0is
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