I enjoy spending time with my best friends. I also enjoy being with my baby Marty. i dont know where i would be without him he brings smiles too my face everyday. i also love to do hair. on the weekdays i am mostly tied up with work. and on the weekends im with marty or at work. i love talking on the phone and listening to the radio. i spend a lot of time with marty i love him and i want to keep our relationship going strong!
J.T., Fergie, Chingy, T.I..some people think they have a rough life.in most cases they may have but when you have had everything handed to you and great friends dont screw it up. its just the start to the rest of your wonderful life! but oops..she did and like justin says "What Goes Around Comes Around"... KARMAS a b****.not that i know from experience but i know some who have...or will!
I like to Listen to all types of music. I'm really into R&B and Hip Hop. on some days country isn't too bad either!lol im also into the old music i guess its cuz i grew up listening to that.
My favorite movie would have to be......."Practical Magic" I think that movie is the greatest. Another move that i like is....."Without A Paddle" and "Shrek 2" those two movies are great. there is one movie i hate and i wouldn't encourage anyone to see it it is "The Village" i waisted $18 on that stupid movie.
I dont watch TV too much but when i do im watching American Idol or CSI. and if im watching any thing else its usually one of the music channels
Books? Ummmmm....... How About NO!lol I'll Pass On That One!lol
GOD! he helps me through everything!
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