I like: Gutter dams, revolutions, hijinks, tornadoes, hunting ghosts with tape recorders, Christmas, the Golden Ratio, modest amounts of anime and RPG's, felines, beatniks, road warring, simple chord progressions, food potions, de-icing salt, obscure local businesses, all things tedious (jigsaw puzzles, pomegranates, mp3 folders, lawn clippings, the names of birds and trees, data entry jobs). I also like imagining movie scripts (and musical scores for said movies), pretending I know I thing or two about the world of media, and getting lost in cities I don't know.I would like to like (or embark upon): Channeling spirits, all things "Metal", more beatniks, sword fights, physics, knowing how to survive in the wilderness, complex chord progressions, home videos, rock breeding, fish fishing, earth potions, walk-abouts, wall paintings, secret dialects, Buddhist secrets (like where the yeti's hiding), hip-hop.I'm afraid of outer space, parasitic worms, toe and finger injuries.
Neil Gaiman.If you're making a request to be my friend, please write me a message or I will spam you.
Black Eyed Susan. Baby Cakes. Dethklok.
The Iron Giant, Lawn Dogs, Pi, The Fountain, AI, Empire of the Sun, The Triplets of Belleville, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Amelie, Magnolia, Boogie Nights, Sunshine (scary!), A Fish Called Wanda.
Ghost Hunters, The L Word, House, My Name is Earl, M*A*S*H, Magnum P.I., Dead Like Me, The Tick, Ghost Hunters, the Science Channel, Future Car, Antiques Roadshow, The Weather Channel.
Neverwhere, Sandman, Anansi Boys, Stardust, Big Sur, On the Road, the Dharma Bums, Minor Characters, Grapes of Wrath, R.I.P. - The Complete Book of Death and Dying, GHOSTS, Hitchhiker's Guide, The Golden Ratio, The Chronicles of Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, To Kill a Mockingbird, blah blah blah. I can't recommend a lot of things you haven't already read.Archived: Wait til Helen Comes, Maniac McGee, Chocolate Fever, Bunnicula, Totally Disgusting (Featuring Mewkiss the cat and Barkus the dog), Fire Starter, IT, the Green Mile
Alia Eden.