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About Me

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A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Colonel Zoeller
Birthday:: No
Birthplace:: Yes
Eye Color:: Transluscent
Hair Color:: Phlegm
Height:: 5 ' 7" monday to thursday
Weight:: 3 tons
Right handed or Left handed?: Amphibious
Your Heritage:: Ask any Namibian
My Worst Habit:: Playing football with dog turds
Zodiac Sign:: The Whip
Shoe Size:: McCracken
Pants Size:: Thrasheola
Innie or Outie?: Kleptomaniac
Parents Still Together?: Who knows?
The Shoes You Wore Today:: Served their purpose
Your Weakness:: Anal tract
Your Fears:: Fear
Your Perfect Pizza:: Someone else eating it
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: 'World Peace'
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: Smell my fat arse
Thoughts First Waking Up:: go back to sleep
Your Best Physical Feature:: My glisteng lips
Your Bedtime:: It happens
Your Most Missed Memory:: Forgotten
Favorite color?: #FFFFF
Food?: Anchovy gumbo
Sport?: Intimidate the bunsen
Animal?: yes
Ice Cream?: gravel sorbet
Candy?: Mivvi
Store?: Garden shed
Salad Dressing?: Duckhams motor oil
Actor?: Floella Benjamin
Song?: The Lithuanian national anthem
Letter?: 7
Number?: v
Gum?: Rhymes with bum
Holiday?: Why?
Season?: 1 of 4
Toothpaste Flavor?: Coriander
Radio Station?: Radio Passchendaele
Perfume?: Stig of the dump
Scent besides perfume?: whiffs of life
Body part on the opposite sex?: Back teeth
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: Cigar tester
How Do You Want To Die?: Heart attack during an eye test
Turn ons:: Turn me on
Turn offs:: Turn me off
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: You
Who's The Loudest?: Him
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: You
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Me
Who's The Shyist?: That shy one
When Have You Cried The Most?: After getting me arse slapped at birth
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Losing my Titanic ticket
Worst Feeling?: Feeling shit
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: Moonbase Alpha
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Don't do surveys
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: Forever
Let's walk on the: Stairs
Let's look at the: Biscuits
What a nice: Perm
Where did all the: Money go?
Why can't we: Afford pliers?
Silly, little: Chaffinch
Isn't it weird that: Shampoo
Never under any circumstance: Call a God's curl a ladybird
I wish: Fish could talk
Everyone has a: Garden
I am: Flesheating
Been In Love?: With you
Been To Juvie?: I broke in
Mooned Someone?: Out of respect
Been Rejected?: By you
Ran Away From Home?: It ran away from me
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: The camera fucked up
Skipped School?: It was too high
Thought About Suicide?: Suicide thought about me
Slept Outside?: inside and outside are mere concepts
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: I once laughed so hard I spermed
Cried In School?: Every day
Thrown Up In School?: Deliberately
Wanted To Be a Model?: I always wanted to be an airfix kit
Cheated On Someone?: at cards
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: Burned down neighbours house
Seen A Dead Body?: It wasn't dead
Been Bitched Out?: With a pitchfork
Drank Alcohol?: i blow bubbles in it
Smoked?: It emanates from my pores
Been On Drugs?: Drugs get high on me
Eaten Sushi?: Prefer to flick it
Been On Stage?: I once hid under one
Gone Skinny Dipping?: There was no water
Shoplifted?: It was a fit-up
Been Drunk?: I'm solid
Been Called A Tease?: No, but I am
Been Beaten Up?: Fancy a pop?
Swear?: Fuck off
Sing Well?: This survey is too long
Shower Daily?: Never
Want To Go To College?: Piss off
Want To Get Married?: To madame palm and her 5 sisters
Believe In Yourself?: I exist
Get Motion Sickness?: Only when I sit still
Think You Are Attractive?: What do you think?
Get Along With Your Parents?: Do you?
Like Thunderstorms?: In between the thunder, yes
Play An Instrument?: Air harmonica
Own An IPOD?: I stole yours
Pray?: Should I?
Go To Church?: My body is a temple
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: It's so right
Keep A Journal/Diary?: in my head
Dance In The Rain?: Mime in the rain
Sing In The Shower?: Dance in the shower
Pepsi or Coke?: The dangerous one
McDonald's or Burger King?: Piltdown man
Single or Group Dates?: Prefer sultanas
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Stealth bombers
Strawberries or Blueberries?: Cod fillets
Meat or Veggies?: My local MP eats meat
TV or Movie?: No
Guitar or Drums?: Washboard
Adidas or Nike?: Made in Taiwan
Chinese or Mexican?: Sounds like a date
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: Multi-Plankton Meltoids
Cake or Pie?: This is taking ages
MTV or VH1?: The Beverly Hillbillies
Blind or Deaf?: Tommy Can You Hear Me?
Boxers or Briefs?: Sugar Ray Leonard
Do The Splits?: Now?
Write With Both Hands?: Anyone can
Whistle?: That's crazy talk
Blow A Bubble?: out of my arse
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: backwards
Cross Your Eyes?: Which way?
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: Toes?
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: Which direction?
Dance?: You askin' ?
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: I always think about world issues when I eat, so no
You Touched:: The police are investigating....
You Talked To On The Phone:: My lawyer
You Instant Messaged:: The prison governor
You Hugged:: The arresting officer
You Yelled At:: The desk sergeant
You Played A Sport With:: My cellmate
Time You Laughed?: VE day
Time You Cried?: Armistice day
Movie You Watched?: Tawny Pipit
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: Cajun spice
Joke You Told?: That one I told you
Song You've Sung?: The Chile national anthem
Where Are You?: Here
What Can You See Out Your Window?: The excercise yard
Are You Listening To Music?: Sousa
What Are You Wearing?: Stewardess uniform
What's On Your Mousepad?: A rat
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: it's impossible I tells ya!
Do you believe in miracles?: After a few guinness
Magic?: You think so?
Love at first sight?: Between animals, not humans
God?: We're all God
Satan?: See above answer
Ghosts?: on the ghost train
Santa?: I am he
Evolution?: In what?
Fav Eye Color:: What you trying to imply?
Fav Hair Color:: In a bloke? How the fuck should I know?
Short or Long Hair:: Whatever floats yer boat
Height:: 4' 3"
Weight:: 18 stone
Best Clothing Style:: I'm metrosexual-Honest!
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Carthage
Number Of CD's I Own:: 8 million
Your Good Luck Charm:: Legs
How many pillows do you sleep with?: None
Do you drink milk?: I eat it
Person You Hate Most:: Hatey McHateage
Most Outdated Phrase:: Those bedsheets really stink
Do you think God has a gender?: That'd be silly
Where do you think we go when we die?: Back and forth
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 70,000
What is something scientists need to invent?: Shorter surveys
Are you a health freak?: You are!
Are you a virgin?: Yes
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: Earth
What is the worst weather?: I don't like any weather
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: Barbies what?
How many grades have you failed?: You decide!
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Classic Albums-Are You experienced

        1965 was known as year zero for rock music, 1967 had the summer of love and 1969 will forever be known as the last year of the sixties, whilst 1970 is etched onto the anna...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 03:03:00 GMT

Mary Mungo & Midge

    Mary Mungo & Midge lived in a high rise block on the 8th floor.Mary was into petty vandalism and shooting at passers by with her air rifle.She was heavily into German imperialism ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Feb 2007 10:21:00 GMT

Classic Albums-Deep Purple In Rock

Few can doubt Deep Purples' contribution to the history of rock music, they underwent many transformations & line-up changes, but the line-up most fondly revered is of course the mark 2 line-up. F...
Posted by on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 12:30:00 GMT

The Tudor Age

The sixteenth century was a tumultuous time in England, The Three Hundred Year War had ended in 1503 which resulted in the accession to the throne of the first communist monarch that England had ever ...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 12:26:00 GMT

Carry On Up The Khyber

  After WW2 China went through a revolution & the imperial government was overthrown.Mao Tse Tung became the new leader, & under his tenure the country underwent a total transformation. W...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 09:11:00 GMT