&rea profile picture


so that others might live

About Me

My Interests




Life is Beautiful, Les Miserables, Cool Runnings, Pay it Forward, Shawshank Redemption, Crash, Amistad, Miss Congeniality, Good Will Hunting, Dangerous Minds, Dead Poet's Society, What About Bob?, Coach Carter, Remember the Titans, A Few Good Men, Legally Blonde, So I Married an Axe Murderer, and many more...


I could sit in front of just about anything; I'm easily intruiged. But, in general, I find real life to be more exciting. Although, a college football game every so often is theraputic.


if I had to be stranded on a desert island, I would bring along C.S. Lewis, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Genesis- Revelation, A.W. Tozer, Amy Carmichael, Brother Lawrence, Charles Spurgeon, Oswald Chambers, Brennen Manning, Henri Nouwen and a few others.


Many heroes, but Jesus Christ was the best teacher, lover, politician, servant, leader, and friend who ever walked this planet. I'd love to grow more into his character and purpose. He was the only Savior for all creation. He IS the Way, the Truth, the Life to the Mercy of God... that definitely puts him at the top of the super-hero list.