••PoSka•••• profile picture


I'd rather be poor and wake up late

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

Well...where shall I start, I'm a graduate from San Diego State University as a Graphic Design, I'm Egyptian, born and raised. Like any gal, I love to go out with friends, whether it be just getting coffee with some friends, hanging out at a sheesha lounge, or going all out in Down Town. I love people that make me laugh and don't take life too seriously and can take a joke...or two. I may poke fun or tease ya a little, but I can make fun of myself too, so if your too sensitive or too serious you basically wont wanna meet me. I'm a very friendly, outgoing person and people who I meet or know seem to acknowledge that about me...just don't get on my bad side;) Click here to get your own network banner - Over 340 to choose from

My Interests

Get Your Own Voice Player Manage.. Art in general, love anything to do with art, would really like to make more time to see more art shows and galleries, my favorite artists are Barbara Kruger and the avante garde of pop art Andy Warhol; and like any other girl I'm sure, I love to shop: clothes, shoes, purses, accessories...you name it. I love to discover boutiques and stores that not a lot of people go to or have seen.





J-BAR, yea yea


I'd like to meet:

If I can meet anyone, it would have to be James Franco...sigh...I would really have said James Dean but as we all know he's been dead for quite a while, so the closest person I can think of is James Franco, loved him in Spiderman...can you believe he's 5'6"Another person I would like to meet that my friiieeeend has already met is AHmaD Ezz... egyptian actor I'm sure no one has heard of except for anyone who's egyptian...and ofcource the King and Queen of stylin, Pharrell Williams and Gwen Stefani, ma boooooy Vince Vaughn aka Vinnie, Conon O'Brien and my all time favorite hottest comedian, who else but Dane Cook...siiigh, what can I say, I love humor...and oh cant forget bout Stephen Colbert, that moved from the Daily Show to his own damn show.


I love Music, can't live without it, I listen to rap, alternative, punk rock, ska, jazz, blues, arabic...I listen to almost everything and anything But...country...ekhh...can't stand it, and ofcource who doesn't love Maroon 5!


My favorite movie ever is Seven, with Brad pitt...if ya haven't seen it...rent it now and watch it...great suspense movie. Love old school, soo funny, and ofcource who hasnt seen scarface...Pacino I love you. I also like watch classic movies like the Seven year Itch, Rebel Without A Cause, and love The Odd couple.


I've lately been hooked on the show Scrubs, I think it's helarious, love Donald Faison, remebered him from Clueless. Anything on comedy central i watch, love DaVE cHAPELL show, reno911, MaD Tv..."i tell you everytiiing."And ofcource NIP/TUCK...obsessed.


As much as I hate writing I love to read, I've read many books, but the two books that I remeber the most, were "She's come Undone," by Wally Lamb and...Yes Maria, you've guessed it, "East of Eden," by John Steinbeck.


As corny and stupid as it sounds, (sorry Maria, know you wrote this too) my mom, I admire her for who she is and what she does and one day wish to be atleast half the strong women she is today.

My Blog

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Posted by ""PoSka"""" on Thu, 02 Feb 2006 09:32:00 PST