Something I've learned: the old saw about living every day to the fullest is really true, because that's all you ever have and all you can ever in "BE HERE NOW... and LOVE WHAT YOU HAVE". (Loving it all is an important part that most folks leave out of that mantra.) There isn't much more to living life than that... but it's about the hardest thing you will ever try to do. Being in the NOW takes a real conscious effort... all the time. Even right now.
Anyway, digressing to the past, (see I told you its hard to stay in the NOW), I've played all kinds of roles in this life: Store clerk, gas station attendant, ice cream dipper, painter, carpenter, builder, paperboy, lawn mower, Hippie, musician, grave digger, hitchhiker, communalist, traveler, underground newspaper owner and editor, thinker, stinker, band manager, stage manager, music producer, general contractor, salesman, photographer, printing company manager, deconstruction expert, guitar player, trumpet player, foot tapper, knee and thigh percussionist, air guitarist, graphic artist, yacht captain, yacht broker, ranch manager, island manager, husband, father, brother, son, friend, enemy, uncle, nephew, idealist, revolutionary, complainer, comforter, lover, lovee, listener, student, teacher, deal maker, truth teller, liar, poet, giver, thief, drug experimenter, handcuffee, fisherman, Everglades guide, preacher, teacher, student, meditator, rescuer, listener, question asker, hell raiser, asshole, good friend, worst enemy, war protester, fireman, reader, writer, activist, an all about hanger-outer and a practiced girl watcher. And NOW I'M GOING TO BE A GRANDPA!!!
I've been both a participant and spectator throughout my 56 years and liked life from both those aspects. I still do. I'm starting to learn that at my age I've done more things for the last time and fewer things for the first time. I've been really blessed by meeting some of the greatest folks on the planet along the way and my life has been as interesting as I hoped it would be. I made as few decisions as possible based solely on money and I almost never let money rule my life. I learned way more than I probably should have, and more than a few people thought I could have. I believe that inch by inch, life's a cinch and yard by yard... it's really hard. Most importantly I've been loved by the best folks a man could ever choose to be loved by. Except for the normal amount of heartaches and disappointments along the way I've been as happy as anyone deserves. What more could I ask for?
Peace 'n Love, Malahuna