Iskam da sreshtna vsichi vas s plakati v ruka po ulicite, razdavaiki shastie na horata!
Eto kakvo napisa za vas ,suzdatelite na FREE HUGS
Hello Free Huggers all over Bulgaria and all over the world. This is
the founder of the FREE HUGS MOVEMENT that is spreading like a
wildfire all over the world, Jason Hunter!!! I just wanted to thank
you all so much for spreading the world and for doing your Free Hugs
thing. If it were not for you guys, there would be no FREE HUGS.
Hopefully soon I will be able to come out and meet all of you guys,
really soon. I am travelling all over the world right now, and I look
forward to coming there very soon. In the meantime I really would love
for you guys to go out and support my good friend Lubomir with his
Free Hugs campaign.
He has taken the initiative to keep it going out there and us here in
the U.S. really appreciate that. ALthough, I am all over the world, I
would love to hear from you guys. I do return all of my emails so
please do not hesitate to email me at [email protected]. Also,
don't forget to check out our website at
DOn't forget my good friend's myspace page as well.
Thanks again : YOU ROCK!!!!